
  1. 个人恩怨或金钱诱惑总是能导致某些人走上邪路。

    Personal grievances or financial inducements will always lure some off the straight and narrow .

  2. 此外,即使工作文化健全可靠,个别员工走上邪路的可能性也总是无法避免。

    Further , even if there is a sound work culture , there 's always the possibility that an employee will go rogue .

  3. 一个没牙的老头蹒跚地向他们走过来,脸上邪邪地笑着,手指向了漂浮在铁青色的海水之上的一艘旧船。

    A toothless old man came ambling up to them , pointing , with a rather wicked grin , at an old rowboat bobbing in the iron-gray water below them .