
  1. 中国陆上三峡风电建设与管理研究

    Analysis on Development and Management of " Three Gorges on Land " Wind Project

  2. 在整个长江航道上,三峡船闸扮演着航道枢纽的作用,对长江航运的安全畅通具有不可替代的作用。

    And in the whole Yangtze River Waterway , Three Gorges plays a irreplaceable center role to the maritime security .

  3. 周二,中国三峡集团的官员称,中国长江上的三峡大坝顶住了第一场巨大的洪水控制考验。

    The Three Gorges Dam on China 's Yangtze River was holding up against its first major flood-control test Tuesday , said officials of the China Three Gorges Corporation .

  4. 三峡工程的兴建对库区生态系统的影响是深远的,如处理不当会在一定程度上引起三峡库区生态系统退化。

    The three gorges projects construction had far-reaching effect to the storehouse district ecosystem . In case the unsuitable management will be able to arouse the ecosystem deteriorate in three gorges storehouse district in some degree .

  5. 本文的研究为实现三峡库区回水变动段船舶安全、经济的航行提供良好的技术保障,在一定程度上促进三峡库区航运事业的蓬勃发展。

    The research provided a good technical support for rapid , safe and economic sailing the area of fluctuant backwater of Three Gorge Reservoir and stimulates the prosperity of Marine Shipping Industry in Three Gorge Reservoir .

  6. 在长江上建设的三峡水电站在宜昌附近,开始于1993年。

    The construction of the Three Gorges Dam over the Yangtze River ( Changjiang River ) began in1993 near Yichang .

  7. 重点分析、总结了1990年代以来的主要研究特点,并在此基础上就长江三峡人文地理研究的未来趋向进行了展望。

    Finally , it looks into the future and predicts the developing tendency of the human geography research about this area .

  8. 结合在清江水电工程所做的大量监测工作的基础上,对三峡库岸滑坡稳定性安全监测的实施作了进一步的完善。

    Based on the measured results , some suggestions are proposed to perfect the safety monitoring of the landslides of the Three Gorges reservoir .

  9. 本研究首先在多年泥沙颗分资料的基础上,对三峡库区重庆段泥沙的时空分布情况进行了分析;

    At first , the space-time distributing of sand in Chongqing region of TGR has being studied based on granularmetric analysis data of sand .

  10. 这份在1988年出炉的报告很大程度上对建设三峡大坝的想法给予了肯定。但也提出了一点,那就是水深不能超过160米。

    The1988 report largely supported the idea of the dam , but with one caveat : Its waters shouldn 't exceed a depth of160 meters .

  11. 在确立衡量县域可持续发展标准的基础上,以三峡库区秭归县为例,运用多指标层次法建立了秭归县可持续发展水平测度的指标体系。

    Taken Zigui County as an example , the indicator systems of sustainable development are build up by using the method of multi-indicator comprehensive analysis .

  12. 在此基础上,对三峡工程水库随着库水位抬升诱发地震的活动趋势进行预测。

    On the basis of the above-mentioned studies , a prediction is made on the future tendency of the TGP reservoir-induced earthquakes when the reservoir water level further rises .

  13. 在分析三峡库区湖岸带土地资源现状的基础上,提出三峡库区湖岸土地资源的合理开发利用和保护措施。

    This paper analyzes the present condition about the land resources of the lakeside zone of the Three Gorges area , and put rational exploiting and protect measure to it .

  14. 本文在建立生态环境综合评价指标体系的基础上,根据三峡库区不同地区生态环境问题的相似性和差异性,进行了聚类分析。

    Based on a comprehensive eco environment evaluation index system , and similarity and dissimilarity of the eco environmental issues in different areas of the Three Gorge Region , clustering analysis was made .

  15. 在此基础上分析了三峡库区2000-2009年10年间最大植被覆盖度的空间分布、年际动态变化及其与水热因子的关系。

    Then the spatial distribution of maximum vegetation coverage and the interannual dynamic changes and its relationship with water and heat factors were analyzed in the Three Gores Reservoir Area from 2000 to 2009 .

  16. 在此基础上,结合三峡电站对湖北电网无功电压方面的影响,对今后湖北电网无功电压控制的难点进行了初步分析。

    The effect from Three Gorges Plant on reactive and voltage to the grid , and the difficult point about the control of reactive power and voltage in the grid for the future were considered .

  17. 在分析了影响水库温度的各种影响因素和结合三峡枢纽的调度情况的基础上,对三峡水库蓄水前后实测水温资料进行了分析。

    Observed temperature data of water released from the Three Gorges reservoir before and after the reservoir filling were analyzed on the basis of analyzing variation factors affecting the reservoir water temperature and in combination with the condition for the reservoir regulation .

  18. 在总结三峡左岸电站发电机主保护设计运行成功经验的基础上,对三峡右岸发电机通过全面的内部短路分析计算、定量化的设计过程完成了主保护配置方案的设计,保护方案性能优异。

    By summarizing the engineering experiences of Three-Gorges Left Bank Power Station , the main protection configuration scheme for hydro-generators of Three Gorges Right Bank Power Station is acquired through overall internal fault simulation and quantitative design process to satisfy the protection performance .

  19. 采用该热源模型,在商用软件的基础上,进行了三峡1200t桥式起重机腹板与T形钢焊接过程的数值模拟,得到与现场测量相当吻合的结果。

    Just by using string heat model and commercial software MARC , the welding process of T steel and side plate which are used in the 1200T bridge crane of Yangtze hydroelectric power station is simulated , and fairly coincidences between analysis and measurement are obtained .

  20. 特大型水上水厂船在三峡工程中的应用船舶建造工程管理及供应链一体化研究

    Oversize Water Supply Ship Serves Construction of TGP Study on Ship Production Management and Supply Chain Integration

  21. 从镜头语言的话语功能上看,《三峡好人》具有以下的艺术特色:关注现实,反映当下的社会问题;

    From discourse function of lens language , Still Life has following artistic features : paying attention to reality to reflect recent social problem ;

  22. 最后,在全文分析基础上,提出促进三峡库区城镇化与产业结构协调发展的思路和政策举措。

    At last , on these bases , the paper comes up with some proposal on how to deal with coordinated development of urbanization and industrial structure in the TGR .

  23. 然后在借鉴以往社区教育经验的基础上,笔者对三峡外迁农村移民社区教育模式从理论上进行了构建,并提出了三峡外迁农村移民社区教育发展的若干对策。

    Based on borrowing the experience in community education , the author constructs community education model for Three-gorge rural immigrants in terms of theory , and brings up some development countermeasures about it .

  24. 在此基础上通过对长江三峡的自然资源和文化资源从共生的角度进行了分类,提出了长江三峡遗产廊道的构建方案。

    On the basis of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River natural resources and cultural resources from the perspective of symbiosis undertook classified , put forward the Yangtze River Three Gorges heritage corridor construction scheme .

  25. 大坝管理方表示,从上周五起,三峡水库已经在以每秒1万立方米的速度泄水,水库水位每两天就降低1米。

    Water has already been released at a rate of 10,000 cubic metres a second since last Friday , causing the level of the reservoir to fall by one metre every two days , say dam operators .

  26. 在此基础上,通过对三峡库区城镇地形、周围水体等实际状况进行分析,认为三峡库区城镇排水体制宜选用合流制系统。

    On this basis , by analysing the topographical , geological conditions and the requirement of the surrounding water body of the cities and towns in Three Gorges Reservoir Region , combined system is suggested to be used as the drainage system in this region .

  27. 再次,针对前述问题,论文在借鉴与综合使用生态学、景观生态规划、环境规划等相关理论与方法的基础上,提出了三峡库区城镇生态环境敏感区的规划方法及操作程序;

    Again , aims at above problem , on the foundation of in draw lessons from related theories and make use of them synthetically , the thesis puts forward the planning method and operate procedure of the ecosystem environment sensitive areas of Three Gorges towns .

  28. 我国2/3以上考古单位、上千名考古专家云集三峡,来自全国20多个省市近100支考古队,在库区100多个考古工地上,打响了三峡文物大抢救攻坚战。

    Over one thousand archeologists from two thirds of the archeological units of China formed 100 teams to salvage the cultural relics on more than 100 archeological work sites .

  29. 在6月7号的上海日报上,一份英文刊上,将三峡叫做“怪兽般的水利工程”。

    On June 7th Shanghai Daily , an English-language paper , called the Three Gorges " that monstrous damming project . "

  30. 在从理论上探讨大小班结合的多媒体教学模式可行性的基础上,以三峡大学200名学生为研究对象,对该校一年半来采用该模式的授课效果进行了实证性研究。

    This article first deals with the theoretical basis of a new teaching pattern ( large-class combined with small class instruction ), and then testifies its effectiveness in Three Gorges University with 200 students as subjects after one and a half year 's experiment .