
  1. 这张桌子只不过是在底座上安了一块圆形刨花板。

    The table is simply a chipboard circle on a base

  2. 给窗户装上安全锁或窗栓。

    Fit windows with safety locks or catches .

  3. 并对华能上安电厂W型火焰煤粉锅炉进行了实例计算。

    The numerical simulation was conducted for the W-shape flame boiler furnace of Shangan power plant .

  4. 当连上安卓设备,你就可以进行短信推送和GPS导航。

    When paired to an Android device , you can also take advantage of SMS integration for conversations and GPS functionality for navigation .

  5. 运用FLUENT计算软件,对一个截面上安有一至四个扭旋叶片的静态混合器内流场分别进行模拟计算分析。

    The flow field in a static mixer that has one to four twist elements incorporated in each section has been simulated by using professional CFD software-FLUENT .

  6. 华能上安电厂2×350MW机组2号机给水泵汽轮机电液调节控制系统改造

    Retrofit of electro-hydraulic control system for steam-turbine driven feed-water pumps of unit No.2 among 2 × 350 units in Huaneng Shang'an Power Plant

  7. 介绍华能上安电厂一期工程2×350MW机组2号机2台给水泵汽轮机电液调节控制系统(MEH)改造背景、系统配置、主要功能及其评价。

    The background , system layout , main functions and evaluation of retrofitting electro-hydraulic control system for 2 steam turbine driven feed-water pumps of unit No. 2 in the first-phase project of title power plant have been presented .

  8. 我们得在前门上安一把新锁。

    We must put a new lock on the front door .

  9. 我的邻居在屋顶上安了一根很高的无线电天线。

    My neighbour has a tall radio antenna on his roof .

  10. 上安电厂循环水处理工艺的腐蚀试验

    Corrosion Test of Circulating Water Treatment Process in Shang'an Power Plant

  11. 修理工在门上安了铁门闩。

    The repairman installed an iron latch on the door .

  12. 华能上安电厂3期工程一次风机失速原因分析

    Stalling of Primary Fan at Phase 3 of Huaneng Shang'an Power Plant

  13. 在所述的泡塑滑雪板上安有把手和把手固定件。

    A handle and a handle fixing piece are arranged on the ski .

  14. 一只四处漂泊的老鼠在佛塔顶上安了家。

    Wandering around a mouse in the pagoda on top of an home .

  15. 父亲在我们的车座位上安了新套。

    Father fitted new seat covers on our car .

  16. 公司销售服务部在上海的浦东新区杨浦大桥西侧上安商务中心。

    The sales department locates at Shangan Building , Pudong new area , Shanghai City .

  17. 事实上安卓手机戴尔和惠普电脑都比苹果的同类产品更畅销

    All the more amazing as android phones and Dell and HP computers outsell Apple .

  18. 上安电厂架空电缆通道网架设计

    The design of grid structure used in electric cable passageway of shang ' an power plant

  19. 华能上安电厂~2炉高温过热器爆管分析

    Analysis on Blasts of High Temperature Superheater Pipes of Unit 2 in Huaneng Shang ′ an Power Plant

  20. 华能上安电厂4~机组循环水泵节能改造理论与应用

    Theory and application of energy-saving transformation of circulating pump in 4 ~ # unit of Huaneng Shang'an Power Plant

  21. 结合上安电厂开发的操作票自动生成系统,运用元认知理论设计实现了具有良好通用性的操作票模拟培训系统。

    Based on the metacognition theory and an actual power plant , a universal intelligent training system of switching operation is successfully designed .

  22. 教堂是一座简陋的、规模不大的建筑。屋顶上安了一个松木板做的盒子似的装置当做尖塔。

    The edifice was but a small , plain affair , with a sort of pine board tree-box on top of it for a steeple .

  23. 他从自己一分一厘节省的血汗钱里拿出一笔来,在房顶上安了一个避雷针。

    At cost of precious money which he had long been saving up , shilling by shilling , he put a lightning-rod on the house .

  24. 建立有限域上安全超椭圆曲线密码体制的基础是构造有限域上安全的超椭圆曲线,因而应当首先选择适于建立密码体制的超椭圆曲线。

    The basis of building secure hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems is constructing secure hyperelliptic curve over finite field , therefore firstly must select an hyperelliptic curve suitable to build cryptosystem .

  25. 十五年以来,从四月到十一月,母女俩就在这个位置上安安静静地消磨日子,手里永远拿着活计。

    Day after day , from April to November , for the last fifteen years , time had passed peacefully for mother and daughter here , in constant work .

  26. 最小的弟弟拉尔夫很怪异,他在睡房的门上安了一把锁,之后他将自己和女朋友锁在这个密封的窝中。

    The youngest , Ralph , is odd , locked in a sealed , symbiotic clutch with his girlfriend that is literalised when they install a deadbolt on their bedroom door .

  27. 主板是电脑中主要的电路板,其上安有处理器、内存和扩展槽,并直接或间接地与电脑各个部件相连。

    Motherboard is the main computer circuit inside the PC , which holds the processor , memory and expansion slots , and connects directly or indirectly to every part of the PC.

  28. 很久以前,本富兰克林就已经认识到了这一点。他在自家屋顶上安了一根金属棒,从上面接了根金属线到地上,有此发明了避雷针。

    Ben Franklin grasped the concept long ago and mounted a metal rod atop the roof of his home , then ran a wire to the ground , thereby inverting the lightning rod .

  29. 收音机当时还没见过,只是街头电线杆子上安了个大喇叭,广播些讲话、唱歌之类的节目。

    I had not seen a radio , but only the loudspeakers hanging on the telegraph poles in the street , from where we could listen to the programs of speaking and singing .

  30. 为了减少循环水的排污量,上安电厂拟对80%以上的循环水补给水进行弱酸离子交换处理。

    To reduce the waste discharge of circulating water , Shang ′ an Power Plant is intended to treat eighty percent of makeup water to the circulating water system with weak acid ion exchange method .