
wánɡ fǔ
  • Wang Fu;prince's residence;palace of a prince
王府 [wáng fǔ]
  • [a prince's residence] 帝王收藏财物或文书的府库;王爷的府第

  1. 礼亲王府位于西城区西皇城根南街西侧,即大酱坊胡同东口路北。

    Liqin Wang house at the West City West Street West of imperial root , miso square east side alley northbound .

  2. 他本人生长于后海的醇亲王府;

    He grew up in Wales after the House of alcohol ;

  3. 它们是中国的王府文化的代表。

    They are a fine example of ancient Chinese Wangfu culture .

  4. 御王府占了整整一个街区。

    13The Yu Wang Fu Palace occupied a whole city block .

  5. 掌管王府库的是亚叠的儿子押斯马威。

    Over the king 's treasuries was Azmaveth the son of Adiel ;

  6. 迈克:去过,它就在王府大街上。

    Mike : Yes , it 's on Wangfu Street .

  7. 这就是太平天国的天王府模型。

    This is a model of the palace right here .

  8. 这些宝贝收藏在“神秘的琮王府”。

    Currently , these pieces are kept in the mystery Zong Wang Fu .

  9. 以数学建模工具分析靖江王府模数制规划

    Analysis on mathematics model of modulus design of Jingjiang Prince ′ s Palace

  10. 十八世纪服务于京城王府宦邸的人物画家

    Figural Portrait Painters in the Princely Mansions of Beijing in the Eighteenth Century

  11. 纸醉金迷兴王府&南汉统治者的奢侈生活及其影响

    The Rulers ' Luxurious Life and Its Influence in the South Han Dynasty

  12. 世纪村·王府房地产开发项目管理研究

    The Research on the Real Estate Project Management of " Century Village-palace "

  13. 一般的王府和官员就采用红色、青色还有蓝色。

    For residences of princes and court officials , red or blue were used .

  14. 苏州忠王府彩绘壁画

    Color Fresco of Loyal Mansion In Suzhou

  15. 汉王府原生态饭店建成开业。

    Han Emperor Palace Restaurant renovation completed .

  16. 在大王爷的王府里,有些奴隶几乎是不干什么活儿的。

    Some of the slaves in a great lord 's house have next to nothing to do .

  17. 太平天国侍王府壁画《四季捕鱼图》浅议

    Murals in Duke Shi 's Palace of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom : Fishing Paintings of Four Seasons

  18. 除了林立的王府建筑,这里的胡同是一定要去一看的。

    Apart from the forest of construction Palace , where the alley is definitely going to see the .

  19. 查尔斯王子和卡米拉公爵夫人离开克劳伦斯王府前往威斯敏斯特大教堂,于10:42到达。

    The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall leave Clarence House , arriving at the Abbey at1042 .

  20. 恭王府多福轩后墙书架的考证与复制

    Research and Duplication of the Bookshelf on the Back Wall of Duo Fu Xuan of Prince Gong Official Residence

  21. 恭王府是中国现存王府中保存最完整的清代王府。

    The Prince Gong 's Mansion , Gong Wang Fu , is the best preserved Qing Dynasty princely mansion .

  22. 蒙古诸王府是享有一系列军政、经济特权的特殊行政区。

    The fiefs of Mongolia were the special districts which enjoyed a series of military , political and economical liberties .

  23. 王府文化是北京文化的重要组成部分,是连接宫廷文化和平民文化的桥梁。

    The Wangfu culture is the core part of Beijing culture , which bridges imperial culture and normal citizen culture .

  24. 录像一开始播放的是身着衬衣、没打领带的王储在克拉伦斯王府工作的情景。

    It firstly shows Charles , in an open-necked shirt without a tie , working at his desk at Clarence House .

  25. 克拉伦斯王府上个月宣布,现年56岁的英国王位继承人查尔斯将和他的多年情侣、57岁的帕克·鲍威斯成婚。

    Clarence House announced last month that the56-year-old heir to the British throne would wed his longtime lover Parker Bowles , 57 .

  26. 马三保在王府期间和王太子成为了好朋友,王子后来成为明成祖永乐皇帝,是明代最出色的皇帝之一。

    Ma befriended a prince there who later became the Yong Le Emperor , one of the Ming Dynasty 's most distinguished .

  27. 克拉伦斯王府表示,在大婚之前,所有人员的服饰将保密。

    Details of all the outfits they will wear will not be given out until the wedding day , Clarence House said .

  28. 越来越多的商品从海外进入中国,而汽车作为一种商品,现在犹如旧时王府堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。

    More and more goods are introduced into China from overseas . Car as a commodity is now very common in every household .

  29. 他遵照传统,命人在库房和王府大门上贴了几个大大的福字。

    He followed past practice and had several large fu written and pasted on the front gates of the warehouse and the mansion .

  30. 南阳首次发现有铭文纪年和唐王府铸造的大型铁香炉。

    It was the first time that a large steel incense burner made by Marquis Tang Government Office with inscriptions were found in Nanyang .