
  • 网络ordinance of election
  1. 1979年之选举令保守党再次上台,玛格丽特,撒切尔成为英国首位女首相。

    The election of1979 returned the conservative party to power and Margaret Chatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain .

  2. 任何一州的众议员有缺额时,该州的行政长官应颁布选举令,选出众议员,以补充缺额。

    When vacancies happen in the representation from any State the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies .

  3. 此后,奥朗德领先优势扩大,尽管公开选举令结果难测,但他仍是最有望者。

    Mr Hollande has since secured a wide lead and , although the open primary makes the polls difficult to read , now seems the clear favourite .

  4. 然而在2010年秋季、奥巴马的总统生涯处于最低点时,他似乎不太可能再次当选,当时的中期选举令共和党人获得了众议院的控制权。

    Still , Mr. Obama 's re-election would have seemed unlikely in the nadir of his presidency , the fall of 2010 , when voters in the midterm election gave Republicans control of the House .

  5. 选举结果令他们很震惊,他们现在要对选举的可信性提出质疑。

    Shocked by the results of the elections , they now want to challenge the validity of the vote

  6. 此前,布拉特的唯一竞争对手约旦王子阿里·本·侯赛因(AlibinAlHussein)在第一轮投票中只赢得了73票,相比之下布拉特赢得了133票。为此,后者撤出了选举,从而令布拉特再次当选国际足联主席。

    He was re-elected after his only rival , Jordan 's Prince Ali bin Al Hussein , withdrew after gaining 73 votes to Blatter 's 133 in the first round of voting .

  7. 但就在9月13日,有线电视公司前任执行官鲍勃·特纳以54%的得票率意外赢得选举,这令两党都为之震惊。

    But Bob Turner , a former cable-TV executive , shocked both sides of the aisle with an unexpected win on September13th .

  8. 预先安排好结果的选举选举的结果令我们惊愕。

    A fixed election . The result of the election come as a shock to us all .