
  1. 本文首次导出同一网络因选树不同所得不同混合矩阵间的关系式,并举例验证。

    For the first time relation interconnecting various matrices that are obtained by different choices of trees on the same network is derived and verified by means of a number of illustrations in examples .

  2. 圣诞节这天,爷儿俩去树林选圣诞树。

    On Christmas Day , Father and Son go to the woods to choose a christmas tree .

  3. 该算法以量子比的概率幅表示其代表的图中的边被选入Steiner树的概率,之后通过观测量子比特来得到解。

    In this algorithm , the edges are represented by quantum bit , and the probability amplitude represents the probability of being selected in Steiner tree , quantum bit was observed to generate a solution .

  4. 这个时候,康塞尔和我选了面包树上最好的果子摘下来。

    Meanwhile Conseil and I selected the finest artocarpus fruit .

  5. 从前树木想要选一棵树作为王来管理他们。

    It 's about how once upon a time the trees wanted to appoint a king over them .

  6. 为进一步验证待选高效授粉树的效果,我们进行了授粉试验。

    In order to validate the effect of pollination tree further , we checked it with a pollination experiment .

  7. 典型教育是思想政治工作的重要方法,树立典型进行典型教育,应注意搞好选、育、树、导、护这样几个环节。

    Typical education is an important method in the ideological & political working .