
  • 网络casting;Cast
  1. Netflix在2018年3月确认了他的选角。

    Netflix confirmed his casting in March 2018 .

  2. 就我所知,20世纪的电影选角史上,没有比让我出演这个角色更加大胆的了,2000年,霍夫曼在接受《纽约客》(TheNewYorker)采访时说。

    There is no piece of casting in the 20th century that I know of that is more courageous than putting me in that part , Hoffman said in an interview in The New Yorker in 2000 .

  3. 奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼(OliviaColman)已确认将出演女王,奈飞尚未官宣老年菲利普亲王的选角。

    Olivia Colman is already confirmed to be taking over as the monarch , but Netflix is yet to announce who will play the older Prince Philip .

  4. 在维秘举行前几个月,糖糖强势回归该品牌在5月的广告选角,当时儿子Anac?

    Months before the show , the model made a thong-clad return to the brand 's ad campaigns in May when Anac ?

  5. 电影艺术和科学学会主席谢丽尔·博恩·伊萨克(CherylBooneIsaacs)在宣布针对#OscarsSoWhite做出的改变时,提到电影业没有制作选角多样的电影是根本原因。博伊德也表达了类似的观点:“你必须回溯和研究非裔美国人演的那种电影。”

    The academy president , Cheryl Boone Isaacs , in announcing changes intended to address \# OscarsSoWhite , cited the film industry 's failure to produce movies with diverse casts , and Dr. Boyd made a similar point : " You have to backtrack and look at the kinds of movies that African-Americans have been cast in . "

  6. 历时一年的全球选角,“木兰”的角色终于定啦。

    After a yearlong worldwide search , Mulan has been found .

  7. 当时日本选角总监跟我聊我的音乐

    And then that Japanese casting director asked me about my music

  8. 这位年轻的女演员见到选角人员时总是很紧张。

    The young actress always feels nervous when she meets casting agents .

  9. 不过她说选角的人对我有看法。

    But , she said the casting people had some problems with me .

  10. 随着配音质量的大幅提高,选角也变得更加挑剔。

    With dubbing quality so much improved , casting has become much more selective .

  11. 有一个选角导演告诉我我永远上不了电视

    You know , one casting director told me I could never work on television

  12. 她跟日本选角总监阳子谈了谈

    She talked to the Japanese casting director Yoko

  13. “歌厅”的选角会在礼拜五放学后举行。

    Auditions for " cabaret " will be held this Friday immediately after school .

  14. 最佳选角(最佳卡司):1999年被拒绝。

    Best Casting : rejected in 1999 .

  15. 他是个选角导演。

    He is a casting director .

  16. 科斯-瑞德在焦虑不安中给这部影片的选角导演发了一些短信,但没有收到回复。

    Kos-Read sent panicked texts to the movie 's casting director , but they went unanswered .

  17. 所以你今天见了选角导演了是吗?是进行得怎样样?

    so you met with the casting directors today , right ? I did.how did that go ?

  18. 我意识到,《汉密尔顿》的整体概念跟选角是不能分开来看的。

    The whole concept of " Hamilton , " " I realized , was inseparable from casting .

  19. 它也开始逐步发布日常行业新闻&选角公告和国际电视交易等。

    The usual trade news trickled out & a casting announcement here , an international television deal there .

  20. 明天我要参加学校话剧表演的选角面试,我需要得到所有帮助。

    Tomorrow Im auditioning for the school play , and I need every bit of help I can get .

  21. 一些选角算是差强人意,如由冯绍峰饰演卡索,马天宇饰演樱空释等。

    Some choices are * passable , including Feng Shaofeng as Ka Suo and Ma Tianyu as Ying Kongshi .

  22. 与以往一样,张艺谋在选角时挑选了一批新人,比如女演员倪妮。

    As usual Zhang has picked a bunch of new actors and actresses for this film , such as Ni Ni .

  23. 不过她很支持影片,我希望选角的负责人会相中她,因为我要推荐她。

    Hopefully the guy who 's in charge will like her for that part because I 'm going to suggest her .

  24. 我们会安排你见几个选角导演试着让你找到一些工作

    so we arrange you are gonna meet with the casting directors , and we are gotta try to find you some work .

  25. 这是关于即将重启这部电影的第一个重要的选角消息,具体的上映日期还没有公布。

    This is the first significant casting news regarding the upcoming reboot , for which a release date has yet to be announced .

  26. 甘巴说,选角最终大概耗费了两年半时间,是一般选角时间的三倍多。

    In the end , casting took about two and a half years - more than three times the average , Mr. Gamba said .

  27. 我喜欢让一部戏剧的选角反映我对周围世界的体验,卡尔曼说。他是白人。

    I like it when the casting of a play reflects my experience of the world around me , said Mr. Cullman , who is white .

  28. 的选角由许冠文找来偶像天王黎明、还有日后楝笃红人黄子华负责编剧及初次银幕演出,创下1992年票房佳绩,也是许冠文至今最卖座电影之一。

    Together they have made this film one of the top films of1992 and also becoming Michael Hui 's highest box office grossing film to this day .

  29. 被问到吉瑞是否会被禁止出席未来的走秀,“AM选角”公司的芒罗说,“肯定地说,是的。”

    Asked whether Jera would be barred from future shows , Mr. Munro said , " I think you would be safe to say that , yes . "

  30. 主角的选角过程持续了四个月,制片人面见了许多来自美国、欧洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的候选者。

    The search for the lead actor lasted four months , with the producers seeing scores of hopefuls from the United States , Europe , Asia and Australia .