
  • 【医】selective distribution
  1. 选择合适的靶向药物使药物选择性分布于RA炎性关节,降低或消除其对正常组织和关节的免疫抑制作用,能有效提高RA药物的治疗效果。

    Select the appropriate drug design methods to make the drug selective distribution of inflammatory joints in RA , to reduce or eliminate its immunosuppressive effects on normal tissues and joints , can effectively improve the treatment of RA biotherapeutic agent .

  2. 3H-栀子甙在体内具有选择性分布特点,较集中分布于肾、膀胱、肺、胆、肝、肾上腺、小肠、大肠、心脏和胃等器官;

    Possessed the character of selective distributed of 3H-Gardenoside . It was mostly distributed in the kidney , bladder , lung , gall bladder , liver , adrenal gland , small intestine , large intestine , heart , and stomach .

  3. 聚乳酸纳米微粒的制备及其在鼠脑组织中的选择性分布研究

    Preparation and selectively distribution of polylactic acid nanoparticles in murine brain

  4. 结论储集空间具有明显的选择性分布;

    Conclusion The distribution of reservoir spaces is obviously selective ;

  5. 负电荷在微绒毛表面的选择性分布降低;

    Decrease in the preferential binding of cationic ferritin to the villous surface , indicating a possible redistribution of the surface charge ;

  6. 在差异模式视差检测生理学模型的基础上,结合视差敏感性细胞空间频率选择性分布的生理学结果,本文提出了加权平均的复杂细胞群体响应计算公式,并使用含有视差的刺激进行仿真计算。

    Based on the differential modal disparity detection model and the physiological result of disparity sensitive cells ' spatial frequency distribution , we have computed weighted responses of a group of complex cells .

  7. 阿霉素碘油乳剂,能明显降低血药峰值浓度,延缓药物释放,并能选择性分布于肝肿瘤内,达到了靶向治疗肝癌的目的。

    The emulsion of doxorubicin with lipiodol lowered the peak concentration of doxorubicin , prolonged its release and remained in tumors for a longer period of time , therefore targeting of drug to the tumor could be achieved .

  8. 结果表明渗流阈值低于单一聚合物基体,且最低渗流阈值出现在两相聚合物体积比接近1/1的情形,主要归因于填料在两相基体中的选择性分布。

    Results suggest that the percolation threshold is lower than the single matrix composite . The low percolation threshold is achieved when the volume ratio of two polymers is close to 1 / 1 , which is attributed to the selective location of the fillers .

  9. 人类白细胞抗原&G(humanleukocyteantigen-G,HLA-G)属于非经典人类白细胞抗原Ⅰ类分子,主要有3个特点:选择性组织分布;

    The HLA-G is a non-classical human leukocyte antigen ( HLA ) class Ib genes . In contrast to classical HLA class I antigens , HLA-G exhibits tissue-restricted distribution ;

  10. 在细胞有丝分裂期,Numb选择性地分布于细胞的一侧,在胞质分裂后则被分配于一个子细胞。

    During mitosis of each cell division , Numb is preferentially distributed to one side of the cell and is segregated to one of the two daughter cells after cytokinesis .

  11. 结论CNTF及其受体选择性地分布于眼球和泪腺的一些细胞中,且多数细胞与房水和泪液的产生和接触有关。

    Conclusion CNTF and CNTFR α are specifically distributed in some cells of the eyeball and lacrimal gland , which are often related to producing and contacting aqueous humor and lacrimal liquid .

  12. 分析了IMR和FBR中轴向气体分压、反应速率及瞬时选择性的分布。

    The distribution of oxygen partial pressure , reaction rates and transient selectivity of C 4 dehydrogenation products ( butadiene and butene ) along the axis in the IMR and FBR were investigated .

  13. 对河豚毒素不敏感的电压依赖性钠离子通道(TTXr)选择性地分布于与伤害性感受有关的初级感受神经元。

    The voltage-dependent tetrodotoxin-resistant ( TTXr ) sodium channels are selectively expressed in a specific subpopulation of nociceptive primary afferent neurons .

  14. 这些特点使得铁/活性炭催化剂具备活性高、气态烯烃和高碳烃(C5~+)选择性高以及烃分布相对集中的优点。

    All these features enabled the Fe / AC catalysts to possess excellent F-T reaction performance of high activity and high selectivity in forming lower olefins and liquid hydrocarbons within a rather narrow carbon range .

  15. RTPCR分析显示,两个基因在正常组织中选择性表达,其分布相似,而且都具有一定程度的与分化或增殖相关的趋势。

    RT PCR analysis showed that the two genes were selectively expressed among the normal tissues , and the patterns were very similar . Moreover , they also had a tendancy of relating with cell differentiation or proliferation .

  16. 通过控制反应条件可以有选择性地调节产物分布。

    Selective decomposition of xylose in high temperature liquid water was possible by controlling reaction conditions .

  17. 但是,使用该方式计算的选择性不如使用数据分布计算的选择性准确。

    But the selectivity calculated in this way is not as accurate as selectivity calculated using data distribution .