
  • 网络electoral affairs commission
  1. 选举管理委员会秘书处

    Electoral Affairs Commission Secretariat

  2. 选举管理委员会已承诺就选举安排作出检讨,并会按照法例向行政长官提交报告。

    The Electoral Affairs Commission has undertaken to review the arrangements , which will submit a report to the chief executive as required under the law .

  3. 选举管理委员会和廉政公署和警方紧密合作,确保选举不受任何非法或舞弊行为影响。

    The Electoral Affairs Commission would work closely with the Independent Commission against corruption ICAC and the police in ensuring that the elections were free from illegal or corrupt practices .

  4. 1865年,该校校友开始选举学校管理委员会。

    The school alumni proceed to the election of the school management committee .

  5. 他担任福井市选举行政管理委员会的主席四年长官的职务。

    He has served as a chair of the Election Administration Committee in Fukui prefecture for four years .

  6. 大多数州被分成县,县通常有一个选举出的管理委员会或主管人。

    Most states are divided into counties , usually with an elected board of county commissioners or supervisors .

  7. 公正的事物公平、不偏袒、公正的事物这次选举在选举管理委员会监督下,以公平、公开、公正的方式进行。

    The election was conducted fairly , openly and honestly under the supervision of the Electoral Affairs Commission .

  8. 为了实现这些目标,几内亚农村信用社正在实施由本地员工和选举出的管理委员会所制定的战略发展计划。

    To achieve these objectives , the Rural Credit of Guinea is implementing strategic development plans that are made locally by employees and elected management committees .

  9. 该处为政府部门,由总选举事务主任掌管,按照选举管理委员会的指示工作,并执行委员会的决定。

    The department works under the commission 's direction and carries out its decisions .