
  • 网络Who to choose
  1. 虽然还不知道Blair究竟会选择谁,但我们清楚她已经作出了选择。

    We still don 't know who Blair chooses * but we do know the choice is clear .

  2. 但如果NBA赛史上这一出最盛大的三部曲——金州勇士队对战克利夫兰骑士队——是部电影,你会选择谁来领衔主演呢?

    But if the biggest trilogy in the league 's history - which is seeing the Golden State Warriors play against the Cleveland Cavaliers - were a movie , who would be your choice for lead actor ?

  3. 你将选择谁帮助你?

    Who are you gonna choose to be on your side ?

  4. 爪子会选择谁留下来谁离开。

    The claw chooses who will go and who will stay .

  5. 恐惧本身并不会选择谁会收到影响,它影响所有人。

    Fear doesn 't choose whom to strike . It strikes everyone .

  6. 他无法做出决定选择谁。

    He can 't make up his mind which one he prefers .

  7. 有一点同类选择谁你去睡觉由于。

    Kinda like choose who you going to sleep with .

  8. 他们就选择谁的问题交换了意见。

    They exchanged the view on the question of whom to choose .

  9. 劳伦斯:(严肃)你要选择谁?

    Lawrence : Which one you want to choose .

  10. 你真的要选择谁你想花他们的。

    You really have to choose who you want to spend them with .

  11. 选择谁作为您的代表?

    Who do you select as your representative ?

  12. 无论选择谁,反正你们的下场都一样!

    Whichever it ends up as , you all will meet the same end !

  13. 不管他选择谁去埋怨。

    Regardless of who he chooses to blame .

  14. 你必须根据你的特色去选择谁是你最能服事的对象。

    You have to choose whom you can best help , based on your shape .

  15. 想象一下如果要在婚礼上杀一个人你会选择谁呢?

    Imagine someone 's going to get murdered at a wedding.Who exactly would you pick ?

  16. 赛季开始之后我选择谁要看德赫亚的适应状况。

    Then the decision on whoever starts the season will depend on how de Gea settles .

  17. 这个人会去选择谁来饰演电影中的角色。

    This is the person who chooses who is going to play a part in the movie .

  18. 你已经知道自己车中只能载一名乘客,你会选择谁呢?

    Which one would you choose , knowing there could only be one passenger in your car ?

  19. 我们(三个门将)的目标一致,尽力做到最好,然后让老板来选择谁是首发门将。

    We all have the same aim so we do our best and then the boss decides .

  20. 如果你要经营一个球队,第一个赛季你会选择谁加入球队?

    If you can start a team with one player for one season , who would you choose ?

  21. 假如你可以提名你自己认识的人为圣人,你会选择谁?

    If you had to nominate one person you have known for sainthood , who would you choose ?

  22. 那几个挑衅选择谁草率行事方式将后悔自己冲动的行为后。

    Those few who defiantly choose to act in a hasty manner will regret their impulsive actions later .

  23. 我们应该选择谁作为我们的朋友有良好的品格,卓越的能力和仁慈的心。

    We should choose those as our friends who have good character , superior ability and kindliness of heart .

  24. 当他们唱歌的时候,远方的鹿会聚在一起,商量着选择谁下一个被捕猎。

    While they sing , the distant deer gather in council , and choose to whom each will fall .

  25. 下月我们将知道世行成员国会选择谁作为下一任行长。

    We should know whom the World Bank member countries ultimately choose as their next head later next month .

  26. 这是用户的理想选择谁不想购买复杂的图表解决方案,其网络项目。

    This is ideal for users who don 't want to buy complex charting solutions for their web projects .

  27. 但我清楚,若真的问我选择谁,我一定会选择母亲。

    However , I clearly asked if it is really who I choose , I would certainly choose the mother .

  28. 大学生创办自己的经营,如今有很多大学生选择谁毕业后开始工作,而不是他们自己的事业的发现。

    Nowadays there are many college students who choose to start their own undertakings instead of finding a job after graduation .

  29. 性别是一种形式的表达,只有你知道,并可以选择谁,你希望有性行为。

    Sex is a form of expression , and only you know and can choose who you want to have sex with .

  30. 如果你现在可以从机器人,恐龙,外星人里面选择谁来养育你,你会选择谁?以及为什么?

    If you could choose to be raised by robots , dinosaurs , or aliens , who would you pick ? Why ?