
  • 网络Alternative Question
  1. 福州方言的选择问句

    The Alternative Questions in Fuzhou Dialect

  2. 真性问与假性问:明清汉语选择问句的功能考察

    Questions and Rhetorical Questions : A Functional study of Alternative Questions in Ming and Qing Dynasties ' Chinese

  3. 陕北方言的疑问句和普通话的疑问句不同,只有是非问句、特指问句和选择问句三种,且结构格式也不一样。

    Interrogative sentences in Northern Shaanxi dialect are different from that in Putonghua .

  4. 3选择问句里选择项末的否定词已经虚化;

    The negative word after the choices in alternative question has been weak ;

  5. 早点睡觉对你的健康有益还是有害?有益。(选择问句要根据事实回答)

    Is going to bed early good or bad for your health ? It 's good .

  6. 非全项否定的选择问句所提供的选言,一般是封闭性的二值选言,二者在逻辑上相互矛盾。

    The disjunctions provided by other two kinds are often closed disjunctions with two values , which are logically discrepant .

  7. 选择问句是在选择项之间嵌入是字,并于选项末缀体标记;

    Alternative questions are that SHI is put between the choices and the mark of aspect in the end of choices .

  8. 全文共分五部分:明清汉语选择问句的结构类型;

    It is devided into the following five parts : 1.The structural patterns of alternative questions in Ming and Qing Dynasties ' Chinese ;

  9. 并在此基础上讨论元刊杂剧疑问代词的更迭情况和历史地位,探讨元刊杂剧选择问句的特征及选择连词的历时发展特点。

    Moreover , we discuss the development and the historical status of the interrogative words in Zaju Revised in Yuan dynasty , inquire into their features of the Zaju and the development features of the alternative conjunctions in history .

  10. 韩汉语选择问句对比同时识别和理解的查询语言覆盖面从过去人们只研究祈使句和特殊疑问句扩展到是非问句、选择问句和正反问句等句型。

    A Contrast of Selective Question Sentence between Chinese and Korean Language In the past , people only studied the imperative sentence and special question , now the yes-or-no questions and the positive and negative questions are also studied .

  11. 《金瓶梅词话》中的选择问句,与现代汉语有异同,差别主要表现在连词使用上,《词话》似乎是说书人的底本。

    Alternative question sentences in Chin Ping Mei , which seems to be the script of storytellers , are used in a way quite different from that in modern Chinese , with the major differences around the use of conjunctives .

  12. 与唐五代及明清相比较,宋代选择问句有其自身的特点,体现了从近代汉语选择问句系统向现代汉语选择问句系统的发展。

    Compared with those in the Tang Dynasty , the Five Dynasties , the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty , the alternative questions in the Song Dynasty demonstrate its own features , which illustrate the evolution of Chinese alternative questions from the pre-modern system to modern system .

  13. 本文以对明清时期四部作品所作的穷尽性调查获得的材料为主要依据,探讨明清时期汉语选择问句的功能特点,着重分析真性问与假性问的分布及其规律。

    Based on the materials from an exhaustive investigation of the four books written in Ming and Qing Dynasties , this article discusses the functional characteristics of alternative questions in these two dynasties ' Chinese and in particular analyses the distribution and its rule of questions and rhetorical questions .

  14. 听录音,根据听到的答语选择正确的问句。

    Choose the correct question according to the answers you hear .