
  • 网络Factor driven
  1. 我们要创新发展理念,从传统的要素驱动、出口驱动转变为创新驱动、改革驱动,通过结构调整释放内生动力。

    We need to be creative with our development approaches , to shift from the traditional export and factor-driven economy , to one based on innovation and reform , and to project a new impetus reform .

  2. 最后,改革前的增长是要素驱动的,扣除人力资本和结构转换因素之后的净效率是快速下降的。

    Finally , the growth before 1978 was factor-driven , and productivity net of human capital and structural transformation decreased .

  3. 定性研究部分对旅游业国际竞争的要素驱动结构及旅游业国际竞争力的影响因素进行了系统的分析。

    The author systemically analyzed the promoting factors and the resources of international competitive capability of tour industry in qualitative analysis part .

  4. 企业的竞争已经从资源驱动、要素驱动转变到创新驱动,创新成为打造高科技企业核心竞争力的最关键要素。

    The competition of the enterprises has already changed into Innovation-Driven from resource-driven and element-driven and innovation becomes the most key factor building up the high technology enterprises .

  5. 复合型教练团队的运行特征具有科研先导性,体现了总局提出的竞技体育发展从要素驱动向创新驱动转变的要求。

    The operating characteristics of the dominant sports composite coach team have a research pilot , reflecting the Administration proposed changing requirements from factor-driven to innovation-driven development of competitive sports .

  6. 我国三次产业均为要素驱动型增长模式,其中第二产业的全要素生产率贡献率最高,第一产业次之,第三产业的全要素生产率贡献率最低。

    Three industries in China are factor-driven growth mode ; contribution rate of TFP in the second industry is the highest , followed by primary industry , tertiary industry , the lowest contribution rate .

  7. 只有技术创新才能实现经济增长方式由要素驱动向创新驱动转变,由粗放型向集约型转变,由外延型向内涵型转变。

    Strengthening the technical innovation can realize the economy to transform from the essential factor actuation to the innovation actuation , from the extensive type to the intensive , from the extension to connotation .

  8. 中国经济现代化目前正处在战略机遇期,已经开始从要素驱动进入到投资驱动和创新驱动并存的阶段。

    It is a strategic opportunity for china 's economic modernization at present that the whole economic growth has transferred from the stage pushed by element and investment into the new stage driven by investment and innovation .

  9. 要保持我国的经济持续高速增长,就必须加强技术进步的力度,转变经济增长方式,提高技术创新能力,使经济增长逐步实现从要素驱动型向创新驱动型转变。

    To maintain sustained rapid economic growth , we must strengthen the efforts to technological progress , and change the mode of economic growth , improve the ability to innovate , making the economic growth gradually change from the factor-driven to innovation-driven .

  10. 同时,也有国内的一批学者针对中国经济增长仅仅依赖于要素投入驱动的观点,进行了大量的研究。

    At the same time , some domestic scholars carried out extensive research for the view .

  11. 模型由知识活动、支撑要素、驱动要素和反馈机制构成。

    The model is composed of knowledge activities , supporting elements , driving factors and feedback mechanisms .

  12. 最后是结论与对策部分,建议从制度建设、产业组织、人力资本、民营经济等方面加快实现东莞经济增长方式由要素投入驱动型向效率驱动型的转变。

    It suggests that Dongguan accelerate the transformation through the institution construction , industry organization , labor power capital and private economy etc. .

  13. 中国经济的健康可持续性发展不能依靠单一的投资要素作为驱动来源,需要从根本上实现经济发展模式的转变。

    The sound and sustainable development of Chinese economy cannot rely on single investment element as a driver , which essentially needs the change of economic development model .

  14. 然后通过对供应扰动风险的传递要素和驱动要素的描述,分析了突发事件和供应扰动风险在链状供应链和网状供应链的演化扩散机理。

    Through the description of the elements of the transfer and drivers of risk factors , analysis emergencies and supply disturbances risk diffusion mechanism in the chain of supply chain and mesh evolution of the supply chain , transfer Path and so on .

  15. 首先,在充分吸收和借鉴国内外已有研究成果的基础上,构建创意经济竞争力理论体系,包括创意经济竞争力的理论基础、基本内涵、影响要素和驱动模型等。

    First , fully absorb and learn from at home and abroad on the basis of existing research results , build creative theoretical system of economic competitiveness , including the theoretical basis of the creative economy competitiveness , the basic connotation , impact factors and driver model .

  16. 经过分析,与传统的分解方法认为即使在改革之后,经济增长仍然是靠要素投入驱动的,与改革之前是没有本质区别的结论相比,本文的估计结果可能更加符合中国经济增长的实际情况。

    The traditional decomposition method believe that the factor inputs is the main reason of economy growth , no matter before or after reform and opening-up policy . Compared with it , maybe the result of this article is more in accordance with the actual situation of Chinese economy growth .

  17. 科技成果评估和风险资金支持两个要素构成了驱动系统。

    And the technological achievement evaluation and the risk funds support the two factors to form a driving system .

  18. 在此基础上,本研究以理论与实证的分析方法考察了这些驱动因素分别对顾客各构成要素具有何种驱动机制。

    On this basis , this paper studies the driven mechanism that how these drivers influence the elements of customer equity .

  19. 创新逐渐成为衡量国家综合实力和企业竞争力关键生产要素和价值驱动因素。

    Innovation has gradually become the key factor of production and value-driven factor to measure comprehensive national strength and competitiveness of enterprises .

  20. 这一过程的发展依赖于外围驱动要素和核心驱动要素对城市化空间格局演变一般过程的影响。

    All of these rely on the external and core drive factors acting on the general process of the spatial pattern of urbanization .

  21. 在工业化的初始阶段,苏南地区主要依靠要素、投资驱动产业升级。

    At the beginning of early industrialization , the industrial structure of southern Jiangsu Province was upgraded by basic production elements and investment .

  22. 但由于生产要素、利益驱动等因素的影响,也给资源和环境造成污染和破坏。

    But , it has caused pollution in environment and damage in resources because of some factors , such as production factors and profit motive .

  23. 这种由要素自由流动驱动的产业转移,使长三角内部形成了相对合理的产业结构和产业分工,推动了长三角区域经济一体化的进程。

    The free flow of factors driven by the industrial transfer , so that the formation of the Yangtze River Delta within a relatively rational industrial structure and industrial division of labor , promote regional economic integration .

  24. 文化对顾客资产三个方面的驱动要素,即价值驱动要素、品牌驱动要素和关系驱动要素都存在一定影响。

    Culture also affects customer asset in three aspects , value driving factor , branch driving factor and relation driving factor .

  25. 在此基础上分析了中国人口、经济发展、生活水平区域差异的动态变化及其之间的关系,以及各要素动态演化的驱动因子。

    On the basis of the result , it analyses the developing evolvement and relation of China population and region discrepancy of economic developing .

  26. 知识经济时代,科学技术作为第一生产力的推动作用是通过它对生产力系统中其他要素的渗透和驱动得以实现的。

    In the time of knowledge economy , the driving force of science and technology as the primary productive power is realized through its permeating and driving the other elements of the system of the productive power .