
  1. 我还有几个小时就要去上班了,OK?

    I got to go to work in a few hours , OK ?

  2. 你不是要去上班了吗?

    Ain 't you supposed to be going to work ?

  3. 我真的好兴奋,因为我一会要去上班了。

    I am so excited because I am going to work later .

  4. 他会帮你们的,我要去上班了。

    He 'll help you . I 've got to go to work .

  5. 上班族们赶着要去上班了,公共汽车上充斥着满身是汗的人们和恐怖的(汗)气味。

    The officer workers hurried along to work , motorbuses were full of sweaty people and the mawkish smell .

  6. 我会告诉我的孩子,“妈妈要坐飞机去上班了。”

    Im gonna tell my children ," mom 's going to work , going on a big airplane . "