
  1. 合理开发利用野生花灌木&蒙古莸

    Developing Wild Flower Shrub Caryopteris mongolica Bunge Reasonably

  2. 两种野生花灌木硬枝扦插繁殖试验

    Studies on Hardwood Cutting of Two Wild Shrubs

  3. 4种野生花灌木硬枝的扦插

    Hardwood Cutting of Four Wild Shrubs Flowers

  4. 燕山东段野生花灌木资源及其在园林中的应用

    Resources of the wild flowering shrubs in the eastern part of Yanshan and their utilization in the urban gardening

  5. 结果证明,栽培花锚中的主要化学成分及数量符合花锚药材的指纹特征,可以代替野生花锚药材入药。

    The result showed that the species cultivated can be used as the wild ones by comparing of fingerprint data of major constituents in wild and cultivated H.ellipitica .

  6. 新疆野生啤酒花DNA提取及RAPD反应体系的建立

    Genomic DNA Extraction of Humulus Lupulus and Establishment of RAPD Reaction System

  7. 新疆野生啤酒花群体遗传多样性的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Natural Population of Humulus lupulus in Xinjiang

  8. 云南野生月季花抗虫物质总黄酮研究

    Research on the Insect-resistant Material-Flavonoids in Wild Rose in Yunnan

  9. 新疆野生啤酒花蛋白质含量的比较研究

    Analysis of the protein content from Xinjiang wild hops

  10. 野生杜鹃花迁地保护适应性评价

    An Adaptive Evaluation of Wild Rhododendron Under Ex-situ Conservation

  11. 陕西野生啤酒花染色体形态的研究

    The study on chromosomal morphology in Shanxi wild hops

  12. 红河州野生干燥花资源调查初报

    Wild Dried Flowers in Honghe

  13. 哦,对了,留心看那些野生的鸢尾花。

    Oh , and keep your eyes open for wild irises !

  14. 昆明野生草本干燥花资源及开发利用

    The Dried Flower Resources of Wild Herb and Its Exploitation in Kunming

  15. 野生植物大花青藤的营养成分

    Nutritional Components of Wild Plant I.Grandiflora

  16. 拍摄野生动物要肯花时间,要有毅力。

    It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife .

  17. 云南省野生禾本科干燥花资源

    Wild Dried Flowers of Grass Family in Yunnan

  18. 结果表明:中国葡萄野生种均含有花色素双糖苷,其含量在种和株系间差异较大;

    The results showed that all the wild Vitis resources contain anthocyanin diglucoside and the anthocyanin diglucoside contents of different species and clones vary much ;