
páo xiāo
  • growl;snarl;rant;bark;shout;thunder;bluster;rave;rage and roar
咆哮 [páo xiào]
  • (1) [roar]∶(如猛兽、海浪、人等)发出洪亮有力的回荡的声音

  • 大海在咆哮

  • (2) [shout]∶高声大叫

  • 对他的儿子大声咆哮

咆哮[páo xiāo]
  1. 不对你要咆哮Roar

    Serena : Oh , no. You gotta roar . Roar !

  2. 你或许不懂足球规则,但你仍然可以在观看世界杯时随着咆哮的人群而兴奋不已,K-Hole的报道中写道。

    You might not understand the rules of football , but you can still get a thrill from the roar of the crowd at the World Cup , the K-Hole report read .

  3. 五大三粗的恶汉趾高气扬地走过来,居高临下地对我咆哮着。

    The burly brute swaggered forward , towering over me , and shouted

  4. 他咆哮着,痛苦的喊声划破长空。

    He bellows , rends the air with anguish .

  5. 老板开始咆哮的时候,我起身走了出去。

    As the boss began to rant , I stood up and went out

  6. 他来回走着,咆哮着,她目不转睛地看着。

    She stared as he paced and yelled .

  7. 海水拍打礁石的咆哮声似乎要淹没一切思绪。

    The thunder of the sea on the rocks seemed to blank out other thoughts

  8. 他能听到希尔顿在同休斯敦激烈争吵时的咆哮声。

    He could hear Hilton 's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston .

  9. “但——但——但是”,我结结巴巴地说道。——“别跟我讲那些‘但是’了。”她咆哮道。

    ' B-b-b-b-but ' I stuttered . — ' Never mind the buts , ' she ranted

  10. 他气得几乎说不出话来,冲着皮特不知咆哮些什么。

    His fury was so great he could hardly speak . He growled some unintelligible words at Pete

  11. 大火蔓烧过厨房的天花板咆哮而来,红色的火舌朝门厅内卷去。

    The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sent its red tongues licking into the entrance hall

  12. “就这么着吧,让他们见鬼去吧!”他咆哮道。

    ' Let 's get it over and done with , and to hell with them , ' he ranted .

  13. “你是怎么回事,竟然做出那种事,”她咆哮着,发疯一样走来走去。

    ' What is wrong with you , acting like that , ' she raved , pacing up and down frantically .

  14. 那狗发怒向我咆哮着。

    The dog was angry and growled at me .

  15. 黄河在咆哮。

    The Huang He River roars on .

  16. 他咆哮似地回答。

    He growled his answer .

  17. 在海边我们可以听见波涛的咆哮。

    At the seaside we could hear the snarl of the waves .

  18. 当他像狮子般地咆哮时,谁敢和他顶嘴

    Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion ?

  19. 我开始打开门,这时,突然一只很大的狗朝我跑来。它朝我嚎叫、咆哮着,因此我把信件扔在了栅栏上。

    I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran towards me.It growled and barked at me , I threw the letters over the fence .

  20. 他的老板怒火冲天。“现在已经十点了,”老板咆哮着,“你九点钟就应该来的。到底发生了什么事?”

    His boss was purple with rage . " It 's ten o'clock , " screamed the boss , " you were supposed to be here at nine . What happened ? "

  21. “等等,”那位顾客咆哮着,“另外一个龙头标的也是c。”

    Wait a minute , roared the patron . " the other tap is also marked c. "

  22. v.咆哮我们听见远处隆隆的雷声。

    growl We heard the thunder growling in the distance .

  23. 当年,他在LV曼谷专卖店开业仪式上,曾冲着一位拎着仿冒LV包的女官员愤怒咆哮,那场景令所有到场嘉宾都感到了震撼。

    He once shouted at a female officer with a counterfeit LV who showed up in the opening ceremony of LV Bangkok Branch , shocking everybody there .

  24. iPod这款产品重振了苹果公司,还颠覆了整个音乐产业。这项成就也使法德尔从一个苦苦奋斗的创业者变成了一位敢于直面史蒂夫o乔布斯的咆哮和怒火的成功高管。

    That singular achievement-the iPod rejuvenated Apple and reordered the music industry-transformed him from a struggling startup guy to an accomplished executive who 'd withstood the sound and fury of Steve Jobs .

  25. 尽管“坏牙强尼”(JohnnyRotten)雪貂般的外表和咆哮般的歌声与约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)平静温和的职业主义相去甚远,但他们吸引歌迷——乃至我们的力比多——的力量是一样的。

    And though Johnny Rotten 's ferrety features and snarling delivery might have seemed a long way from John Lennon 's placid professionalism , their grip on a room - and on our libidos - was identical .

  26. Grylls愿意一头扎进流沙、冰湖或者咆哮的急流中,来表现在不同的环境中怎样生存。

    Grylls willingly jumps into quicksand , icy lakes or roaring rapids to show how to survive a variety of circumstances .

  27. 沿着海岸不停咆哮的大海。

    The sea which roared along the length of the shore .

  28. 我扭动钥匙,引擎便充满活力咆哮发动起来。

    I turned the key and the engine roared into life .

  29. 她很生气还咆哮了。我遇到了麻烦。

    She is angry and growl s. I am in trouble .

  30. 长颈鹿可以像牛那样哞哞叫,也可以发出蛇那样的嘶嘶声,会咆哮,也会吹口哨。

    Giraffes can moo , hiss , roar , and whistle .