
yào lǐng
  • essentials;main points;gist;tenor;essentials of an exercise in military or athletic training
要领 [yào lǐng]
  • (1) [gist;main points; essentials; gist]∶要点,主要内容

  • 不得要领

  • (2) [essentials of an exercise in military or athletic training]∶基本要求

  • 掌握要领

要领[yào lǐng]
  1. 介绍了转化反应后的CO中温变换技术,其中包括工艺原理、开工变换、催化剂还原和正常操作要领。

    The process theory , start-up shift , catalyst reduction and the main points of normal operation of the CO medium temperature shift technology after the reaction are introduced .

  2. 用于喷气织造的醋酸纤维上浆要领

    Main Points about Sizing Acetate Fibers for Air-Jet Weaving

  3. 我得知要领补助,就得回答一些问题。

    I was told that in order to get benefit payments I would have to answer some questions .

  4. 方法对87例卵巢囊肿进行腹腔镜下剥出手术,严格把握操作要领

    Methods : The indication , methods and outcome of87 patients undergone laparoscopic ovarian cyst divesting surgery were analyzed .

  5. 三天功夫,造父就学会了这种方法,很快便掌握了驾车的全部要领。

    In only three days , Zao Fu grasped this method , and soon afterwards mastered all the essential skills for driving .

  6. 目的探讨CT引导下活检枪切割针肺活检的操作技术要领和应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value and manipulation technique of pulmonary biopsy using biopsy guns and incision needle under CT-guided .

  7. 结论HP动作具有良好的抗荷效果,且动作要领易掌握。

    Conclusion HP maneuver is of good + Gz protection and easy to learn .

  8. 直接还原铁厂回转窑设备的定心找正浅议贵冶CF风机中心找正技术要领

    Centering and Aligning of Rotary Furnace in Direct Reducing Iron Plant

  9. 20国集团(g20)的政策制定者及其以市场为本的批评者们没有抓住“退出策略”的要领。

    Policymakers from the group of 20 nations and their market-based critics are missing the point about " exit strategies " .

  10. 介绍了工业检测的3种情况及测量设备测量能力指数MCP值的计算要领。

    The paper introduces three kinds of situations of industrial examination and calculation of measuring capability parameter ( MCP ) .

  11. 对Tencel纤维引入全棉灯芯绒织物的染整加工工艺进行探讨,介绍了加工过程中的操作要领及注意事项,并对Tencel的性能及相关工艺过程中微纤化的控制作了相应的论述。

    In processing Tencel corduroy , key points of operation , precautions and control of fibrillation are expounded in detail .

  12. 对DCS系统的干扰和接地设计进行了分类,结合现场工程实践提出了抗干扰的措施,较系统地叙述了仪表接地系统的设计要领和注意事项。

    Classification is made for interference and grounding design for DCS system , combining with project practice at site , measures for anti-interference are presented , design gist and notes for instrument grounding system are described relatively systematically .

  13. 通过一个产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件的配置管理子系统的开发介绍,总结和分析了动态属性配置技术应用的工作要领及其各阶段模型体系的具体表现形式。

    Conclude and analyze the main mechanism of Dynamic Attribute Configuration Technique and the modeling system in each phase via the design of a Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) configuration management subsystem .

  14. 将电子产品结构设计的一般要求和原则应用于TPMS产品结构设计,阐述TPMS产品结构设计的一般要领。

    This paper introduces the general methods of structure design of TPMS , according to applying the general demand and principle in structure design of electron product to structure design of TPMS .

  15. 雅马哈XV250电起动及点火系统原理和维修要领(3)

    Theory and Main Points for Maintenance of Electric Starting and Ignition System for YAMAHA XV250 ( 3 )

  16. 前言:介绍了德国SGL公司660型“四合一”高纯盐酸炉的特点、工作原理以及自动点火开车、停车、紧急停车、调节产量等操作要领。

    The characteristics , principles , auto run and stop , emergency stop and production quantity control of660 type four-in-one high-purity chlorhydric acid furnace of SGL company were introduced .

  17. 包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、腾讯(Tencent)在内的其他中国企业在人工智能方面也取得了进步,但主要得益于吴恩达的声望,行业专家如今认为百度要领先于国内同行,可与美国竞争对手Facebook、谷歌和IBM比肩。

    Other Chinese companies including Alibaba and Tencent are also making advances in AI , but thanks largely to Mr Ng 's reputation Baidu is now judged by industry experts to be ahead of its domestic peers , ranking up alongside US rivals Facebook , Google , and IBM .

  18. 本文尝试从现场管理的角度,采兼具理论与实务的取向来解析5S管理模式的概念、执行步骤、推行要领及配合5S活动之管理技巧。

    This article attempts from the scene management angle , picks the concurrently theory and the practice orientation analyzes the 5S management pattern the concept , carries out the step , the carrying out main point and coordinates management skill the 5S activity .

  19. 第一部分概述TOFD工艺规程和设备系统要求,校准事项和检测工艺要领。

    The first part outlined the requirements for a TOFD written procedure and the TOFD system , the calibration items and the key points of an examination process .

  20. 以纤维集合体结构工程(FASE)在服装织物设计的应用为例,简述了纺织品计算机设计逻辑要领和过程。

    In this paper , the concept and processing of computer-aided design logics of textile products are introduced , based on fibre-assem - bly-structure engineering ( FASE ) used in design of apparel fabrics .

  21. 2000版ISO9000标准与94版相比,对体系文件的要求发生了较大的变化,本文就新版标准对质量手册、程序文件和质量记录的要求作了介绍,并就此提出了编写体系文件的基础要领。

    Some changes occurred for the requirement of system documents between the new edition standards and old ISO 9000 series standards . The quality handbook , procedural documents and quality records for new edition standards were introduced , and the basic essentials for writing system documents were also given .

  22. 结合具体的工程实例,对12m跨厂房排架柱结构施工要领作了探讨,从轴线标高控制、柱墙连接、钢筋工程方面,介绍了结构施工方面的实践经验,并提出一些应注意的事项。

    Combined with specific project , it discusses structural construction of bent pole in 12 m span factory building , experiences of structural construction are introduced from axial level control 、 connection between pole with wall and reinforcement engineering , and putts forward matters need attention .

  23. 介绍了大行程机械压力机的结构特点及其对精度调整的影响。在实践的基础上,总结了J39400、J39500系列机械压力机的精度调整过程及其要领,可供同行借鉴。

    To introduce structure features of mechanical press with large stroke and their effect on accuracy adjustment Describes adjusting process and its keypoint of Series J39 400 , J39 500 mechanical presses .

  24. 试论科技论文的基本组成及写作要领

    Discussion on the Fundamental Compositions and Writing Essentials of Sci-tech Papers

  25. 王叔叔要领我们参观他的农场。

    Uncle Wang is going to show us around his farm .

  26. 可以先从最简单的移动来感觉动作要领。

    Begin by doing the easiest moves to feel this out .

  27. 你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?

    Can you tell me the basic points of playing piano ?

  28. 这个要领可以教会你用英文“思考”。

    This will teach you to " think " in English .

  29. 多练习,你就能抓住要领了。

    With practice , you 'll get the hang of it .

  30. 初中化学概念教学要领

    On Chemical Concept Teach in g of Junior Middle School