
  1. 数世纪以来,政府要门所在地克里姆林宫一直是莫斯科的心脏腹地。

    Through the centuries the heart of Moscow has always been the Kremlin , the seat of the government .

  2. 把门打开,不然我要砸门了!

    Open up , or I break in !

  3. 好!别怪我了!我要揣门了!

    Fine ! That 's it ! I 've had it !

  4. 设计规定要两门四窗。

    The design calls for two doors and four windows .

  5. 先要三门功课都是“A”才有条件上大学。

    Three passes at'A'level are ( a ) prerequisite for university entrance .

  6. 再下个学期我要选门哲学课。

    The term after next I 'm going to do some philosophy .

  7. 这样就解释了为什么在火灾发生时要关紧门。

    That is why it is important to close doors on a fire .

  8. 我真的要幢门了!

    I 'm really gonna break it down !

  9. 开门之前,要从门上的透视眼看看来者是谁。

    Look through the peephole to see who it is berore you open thedoor .

  10. 我记起了,你要留下门匙?

    Want to leave the keys with me ?

  11. 要使门关得上他们得把门边的表层刨去近半英寸。

    They had to plane nearly half an inch off before the door would fit .

  12. 所以要打开门和窗户确保一个安全通道,以便自己不被困住。

    Open doors and windows to secure an escape route and prevent yourself from becoming trapped .

  13. 遇到门时,要检查门是否是热的,如果是,说明门的另一边有火。

    When you come to a door , check it to see if it is warm .

  14. 绝不要依靠门延迟。

    Never rely on gate delay .

  15. 要不是门上的记号我根本找不到。

    I wouldn 't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door . Mark ?

  16. 布鲁克斯太太以为苔丝要冲出门来,就急忙回到楼下去了。

    Mrs Brooks , thinking that the speaker was coming to rush out of the door , hastily retreated down the stairs .

  17. 十要:门急诊工作必须坚持的主要伦理原则

    " Ten Needs ": The Main Moral Principles Which Should Be Insisted on in the Work of the Out-patient and Emergency Department

  18. 不要把注意力集中在自己或自己的缺点上,而要一门心思想着目标,以及怎么做才能到达目的地。

    Don 't focus on yourself or your shortcomings , focus on your goal and what you need to do to get there .

  19. 如果你到得太晚,那么就要夺门而入,最后关头的匆忙已经让你的心脏开始怦怦跳了。

    And if you arrive too late , you may find yourself racing in the door , your heart already pounding from a last-minute dash .

  20. 要转换门电路的布尔表达式,标签每门输出一个布尔分表达相应的闸门'输入信号,直到最后达成的表达上一次门。

    To convert a gate circuit to a Boolean expression , label each gate output with a Boolean sub-expression corresponding to the gates'input signals , until a final expression is reached at the last gate .

  21. 辛楣催她说,她不肯说,要打门进去,辛楣手拦住她,求她说。

    Hsin-mei urged her to tell him , but she refused and was going to knock on the door and go in , when Hsin-mei held her back with his hand and begged her to tell him .

  22. 学生通常要选四门或五门高级证书辅助考试学科。

    Students will normally take four or five AS subjects .

  23. 我不久将要选修一门现代小说课程。

    I 'm shortly to begin a course on the modern novel .

  24. 学生们要掌握一门外语。

    Students are expected to master a second language

  25. 你要用力推门才能把它打开。

    To get the door open , you have to bear hard against it .

  26. 她利用夏天温习了美国历史,因为她秋季要讲授那门课程。

    She spent the summer brushing up on her American history as she was to teach that in the fall .

  27. 她认为要学习一门语言,就必须试着对这个国家有所了解。

    She thinks that to learn a language , one must try to know something about the country .

  28. 学生通常要选三门A2证书考试科目。

    Students will normally take three A2 subjects .

  29. 我满脑子想的就是要通过这门课,所以我最好整个周末都用功读书。

    All I can think about is passing this course so I 'd better hit the books all weekend .

  30. 打开冰箱门,伸手探向中间那一层,却忘记自己究竟为什么要打开冰箱门。

    Open the fridge door and reach for the middle shelf only to realise that we can 't remember why we opened the fridge in the first place .