
yào wén bǎn
  • front page of a newspaper
  1. 美国25家日报要闻版伊拉克战争报道新闻构架分析

    Not Stupid US Media : An Analysis of Reporting News frams of 25 Dailies on Iraq War

  2. 他的父亲是一家地方党报的要闻版编辑,母亲做社会公益工作,帮助贫困人员。

    His father was the front-page editor of a local party newspaper and his mother worked for a social service bureau helping the needy .

  3. 报道大多被安排在国内新闻、要闻版和教科文卫版。

    And the reports are mostly arranged in the native news , important news edition and education , science , culture and health edition .