
  • 网络factor price
  1. 要素价格变动诱导产生了不同类型的技术;

    Changes in factor prices induce generation of different technology patterns ;

  2. 国际贸易理论中要素价格均等化条件的扩展

    Extension of Equalization of Factor Prices in World Trade

  3. 结果发现,东道国的市场规模越大,两国要素价格差异越小,越能吸引FDI。

    The conclusion is larger foreign market size and smaller factor price difference will attract more FDI .

  4. 随着东部经济发达地区劳动力要素价格上涨,产业结构调整等因素的影响,部分FDI流入安徽,形成了近年来难得的高速增长。

    With the increase of labor prices in coastal developed areas and the adjustment of industrial structure , some FDI have been inflowing in Anhui , which results in a rare accelerating growth in recent years .

  5. 要素价格均等化定理研究动向考察

    A Review of Research into the Theorem of Equalization of Factor Price

  6. 要素价格变化、技术进步与草地产权制度变迁

    Factor Price Variation , Technique Progress and the Change of Grassland Property

  7. 国际分工、要素价格扭曲与中国地区差距

    International Division of Labor , Factors Price Distortions and Chinese Regional Disparity

  8. 诱致技术变迁与农业技术进步模式选择的理论分析&基于生产要素价格变动的视角

    Theoretical Analysis of Induced Technological Change and Choice of Agricultural Technological Progress Pattern

  9. 本文接着分析了生产要素价格变化对全要素生产率的影响。

    This dissertation investigates the effects on TFP of prices change of factors .

  10. 要素价格滞后波动显露的宏观经济运行新动向

    A New Trend in Macro-Economy Operation Uncovered by Lagging Fluctuation of Factor Price

  11. 运用要素价格分析了陕西苹果产业相对于甘肃和宁夏两省(区)的优势和劣势。

    The advantages and disadvantages of Shaanxi apple production were analyzed in terms of price .

  12. 第三层次是跨国界的商品、生产要素价格均等化的趋势。

    Third , the equalization of prices of commodity and factors of production among the world .

  13. 在第三层次上的要素价格市场化才是产权明晰的关键;

    The key to property rights distinction at the third level is the marketing of factor prices .

  14. 实际上,比较优势的产生是劳动生产率的相对差别与要素价格的相对差别两者共同作用的结果。

    Actually the existence of comparative advantage is the result of relative difference between labor productivity and factor cost .

  15. 日本一直钟爱精耕细作农业的一个原因是,投入要素价格很高,尤其是能源。

    One reason for Japan 's continued fondness for artisan farming is high prices for inputs , especially energy .

  16. 资本逐利性和要素价格均等化诱导世界产业在全球范围内周期性转移。

    The capital profitability and factor prices equalization promote the global industries to make periodic transfer in the whole world .

  17. 从民工潮到民工荒&农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲现象剖析

    From " Waves of Peasant-laborers " to " Shortage of Peasant-laborers "── An Analysis of Distorted Price of Factor Labor

  18. 从理论上讲,要素价格的变化影响技术进步和总需求,引起全要素生产率的变化。同时,任何一种要素价格上涨对全要素生产率也带来两个方面的直接影响。

    In theory , a rise in the price of any factor leads to two difference kinds of effects on TFP .

  19. 刘易斯转折点、要素价格均等化与产业升级&基于中国劳动力跨地区转移的阐释

    Lewis 's Turning Point , Equalization of Factor Prices and Industrial Upgrade & Interpretation of Cross-regional Transfer of China 's Labor Force

  20. 然后基于测度结果,进行要素价格扭曲程度对企业所有制结构影响的实证分析。

    Then empirical analysis of the influence on corporate ownership of factor price distortion degree is carried out based on the measuring results .

  21. 内容提要要素价格扭曲程度与要素收益成反比,要素价格扭曲程度越高,本国要素收益就越低,国民利益流失就越严重;

    The factor price distortion degree is higher in reverse the factor income is fewer , which means the national benefit loses more ;

  22. 资源赋予理论关于要素价格趋于均等的结论,因国际生产体系的变革而受到了挑战。

    The conclusions of H-O-S model that the prices of factor will be convergent will be challenged by the international production system 's transformation .

  23. 残酷的市场化浪潮让农民无所适从,过高的税费和生产要素价格伴随着农产品的低价格,让农民生活举步为艰,甚至不断恶化。

    High taxes-and-fees and high cost of production inputs , together with the low price of agricultural outputs have made peasants ' life even worse .

  24. 其次,肉鸡生产供给对投入要素价格的反应在长期更为敏感,尤其是精饲料价格。

    In addition , the responses of broiler production to input prices are more sensitive in the long run , especially for the feed price .

  25. 目前,经济开放带来的国内外要素价格均等化趋势逐渐显露出来,高污染和高增长的趋势有可能因此而改变。

    Now , the trend of factor price equalization revealed gradually , so the rapid growth trend of environmental pollution and economy may be changed .

  26. 改革开放初期,我国劳动力要素价格的扭曲存在政策上的故意。

    In the beginning of Reform and opening up , economic policy is one of the reasons that lead to the distortions of labor factor price .

  27. 首先介绍了生产要素价格,价格扭曲以及软预算约束的相关概念。

    In this part , this article introduces the prices of production factors , the distortions of price and the conception of soft budget constraints firstly .

  28. 这些变量有:单位劳动资本、单位劳动产出、资本&产出比、生产要素价格、劳动者老年期和青年期消费等。

    These are unit labor output , capital - output ratio , the prices of production factors , old age and youth workers consumption , and so on .

  29. 但是,随着资本积累的逐步完成和劳动力供给的相对减少,劳动力要素价格扭曲的负面作用逐渐显现出来。

    However , with the gradual completion of capital accumulation and labor supply reduced , the negative effect of the labor factor price distortions began to appear gradually .

  30. 发展中国家传统产业集群面临生产要素价格上升以及其他集群低成本竞争的压力。

    The traditional clusters in developing countries have to upgrade when they have encountered the rising prices of essential factors of production and the competition from other clusters .