
  1. 你要服一粒维生素B胶囊。

    You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B

  2. 要服解酒药吗?酒巴女招待问道。

    " Have a dose of Anti-Tox ?" asked the barmaid .

  3. 他每天要服六粒药丸直到痊愈。

    He has to take six pills a day until he recovers .

  4. 基督教会组织教导教徒要服从业已确立的秩序。

    The Christian Church taught obedience to the established order .

  5. 病人在手术前一定要服镇静剂镇静下来。

    The patient must be sedated before the operation .

  6. 他要服八年刑期。

    He will serve an eight-year term .

  7. 她要服多久的丧?

    How long will she cry ?

  8. 根据该国的宪法规定,所有的男青年都要服一年兵役。

    According to the constitution of the country all the young men do a year 's military service .

  9. 似乎没有什么比要服兵役更使青年人担心了。

    Few things seem to stir up more fear among today 's young people than the prospect of a military draft .

  10. 不是,我要服兵役不得不推迟学习,学习也有点退步。

    No , I had to delay classes to do my military duty , and I had a few setbacks as well .

  11. 林前十五28万有既服了他,那时,子自己也要服那叫万有服他的,叫神在万有中作一切。

    Cor.15:28 And when all things have been subjected to Him , then the Son Himself also will be subjected to Him who has subjected all things to Him , that God may be all in all .

  12. 所以,为了他们能达到他们想达到的目标,我告诉他们,当他们离开校园的时候,什么工业会更有前途,要服什么样的兵役。

    So , I advice them as to what industries will be important when they get out of college ; what military service they should look into , in order to achieve what they think they want to achieve .

  13. 换了我,就要停服这种药片了。

    I 'd come off the pill if I were you .

  14. 药越是苦,越要快服。

    If them does is nasty , swallow it fast .

  15. 他必须要回去服现役。

    He has to go back into active duty .

  16. 医生坚持要他服此药,但他坚持说他没有病。

    The doctor insisted that he ( should ) take the medicine , but he insisted that he was not ill .

  17. 要争服一切,我们就需要勇敢、更勇敢,永远勇敢!这样,法兰西的安全就能得到保障。

    To conquer we have need to dare , to dare again , ever to dare ! And the safety of France is insured .

  18. 万物既服了他,那时,子也要自己服那叫万物服他的,叫神在万物之上,为万物之主。

    And when all things shall be subdued unto him , then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him , that God may be all in all .

  19. 我要知道他服了哪种药。

    I want to know which medicine he has taken .

  20. 也许沃森并不是有意要想通过服违禁物来赢得比赛。

    But maybe Watson had no intention to win by taking banned substance .

  21. 不过她们谁都没透露为什么要穿防水服。

    But neither women have revealed yet what constituted the need for waterproof clothing .

  22. 那你为什么要穿防护服呢?

    Then why are you in hazmat suits ?

  23. 为了让宇航员在太空中生活下来,就要依靠太空服来提供独立的环境。

    In order for astronauts to survive in space , spacesuits provide a self-contained environment .

  24. 问题35.为什么工人要穿滑雪服到公司工作?

    Question 35 . Why did the workers in the firm wear ski-clothing to work ?

  25. 我不能再推迟和丹之间的谈话了&我马上要穿孕妇服。

    I couldn 't postpone our talk much longer-I had to start wearing maternity dresses .

  26. 当植物应用了杀虫剂后,做园艺工作时要穿保护服并避免与这些植物接触。

    Wear protective clothing when gardening to prevent contact with plants that have pesticide on them .

  27. 你们要自卑,服在神大能的手下,到了时候他必叫你们升高。

    Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God , that in due time he may exalt you .

  28. 我们要采购运动服,成衣,仪式洋装,非正式衣服和城市衣服,上流社会的风尚和非正式衣服。

    We want to buy Athletic Wear , Readymade Garments , Ceremonial Dress , Casual Wear and City Wear , High Fashion and Occasional Wear .

  29. 美国公共图书馆的经费多少,很大程度上是由纳税民众来决定的,因此,其定位首先是要为纳税人服好务。

    Budgets of American public libraries are determined by taxpayers to a large extent . So , their objective is to provide good service to the public .

  30. 他们见了面之后,爸爸必须要去香港服兵役了,他们53岁的二女儿安吉拉古尔德说道。

    ' After they met , dad had to go to Hong Kong for his national service , ' said their second child , Angela Gould , 53 .