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yào jià
  • ask a price;charge;offer;condition;ask
要价 [yào jià]
  • (1) [ask a price;charge]∶开价,索价

  • 要价过高

  • (2) [condition]∶比喻接受任务,举行谈判时向对方提出条件

要价[yào jià]
  1. 要知道,奥德杰狮子大开口是在一个多月前,在那个时间段,正是经纪人漫天要价的时候,许多外援的要价几乎都翻了一番!

    Must know that the Orde outstanding lion big aperture is more than one months ago , in that time section , is precisely the manager asks an outrageous price , many foreign aids ask a price nearly double !

  2. 另一个票贩子说125美元的票他要价1,000美元。

    Another scalper said he 'd charge $ 1000 for a $ 125 ticket .

  3. 这辆轿车他要价2000英镑。

    He 's asking £ 2 000 for the car .

  4. 以这样的要价,他们不会为房子找到多少承让人的。

    They won 't find many takers for the house at that price .

  5. 他们这辆车的要价很高,但考虑到车子很新,还是可以接受的。

    They were asking a lot for the car , but fair dinkum considering how new it is .

  6. 他们能够以4倍于要价的价钱出售他们的商品。

    They could sell their merchandise for quadruple the asking price .

  7. 这张图片中的铁艺藤椅要价125英镑。

    The rattan and wrought-iron chair pictured here costs £ 125 .

  8. 把卖家的要价砍到你能接受的价格。

    Beat down the seller to the price that suits you .

  9. 潘特莱拉斯先生为他的藏品要价6,000英镑。

    Mr Pantelaras was asking £ 6,000 for his collection .

  10. 在当代摄影师当中,他的要价很高。

    His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers

  11. 我去酒店的咖啡厅喝了一杯要价奇高的咖啡。

    I went and had an overpriced cup of coffee in the hotel cafeteria

  12. 最值得拥有的财产必然要价不菲。

    The most desirable properties necessarily command astonishingly high prices

  13. 低于要价15%的报价不大可能被接受。

    Offers 15 % below the asking price are unlikely to be accepted .

  14. 多数货摊要价比较公道。

    The majority of stalls charged a fair price

  15. 昨天被指控要价太高之后,汽车生产商可能会被迫大幅度降价。

    Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday

  16. 他们通常要价300英镑,但我们按半价买到了。

    They normally charge three hundred pounds but we got it for half price .

  17. 他提供一小时服务,要价大约100英镑。

    He 's charging you around about a hundred pounds an hour for his services .

  18. 他居然一个赛季要价15万英镑,真让人不敢问津。

    At £ 150,000 for a season , he really is pricing himself out of the market .

  19. 他很愿意照我的要价付钱。

    He 's quite willing to pay the price I ask .

  20. 要价别太高,否则会把顾客吓跑的。

    Don 't put your prices too high or you 'll frighten the customers off .

  21. 他同意付给这台计算机的要价。

    He agreed to pay the price demanded for the computer .

  22. 木匠对这工作的要价是90美元。

    The carpenter gave an estimate of90 dollars for the job .

  23. 你对你的房子要价太高了。

    You put too high a value on your house .

  24. 那个杂货商从来不乱要价。

    That grocer never overcharges .

  25. 几天后,我们以远低于要价的数字报了价。

    Days later , we made a ( n ) offer — far below the asking price .

  26. 这也远远超出了我们的承受能力,但远远低于最初的要价。

    It was also much more than we could afford , but far less than the original asking price .

  27. (如果你想在酒店用早餐,我们将在账单上加12镑的费用。)作动词时,“charge”指“收费,要价”。

    If you 'd like to have your breakfast at the hotel , a charge of £ 12 will be added to your bill .

  28. (他们对这辆车的要价很公道。)

    The price they wanted for the car was a respectable amount .

  29. 理一次发要价十美元

    charges ten dollars for a haircut

  30. 你最初的出价低于卖方的要价,卖方也接受了。你要买的这套房下架,你就要买成了。

    Your below-asking-price offer has been accepted , the property you are buying is off the market , and it 's all steam ahead towards completion .