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sòng shī
  • legal pettifogger;law practitioner;shyster;attorney at law
讼师 [sòng shī]
  • [shyster;legal pettifogger] 帮人办理诉讼事务的人

  • 被告抄入手,乃请刀笔讼师,又照原词多方破调,骋应敌之虚情,压先功之劲势。--清. 黄六鸿《福惠全书.刑名立状式》

讼师[sòng shī]
  1. 该部分从社会、政治、经济、法律四方面来论述讼师生存状况的原因。

    This part elaborates the reasons from social , politic , economy and law .

  2. 清代州县审判中对讼师的禁制及原因分析

    The Analysis of the Inhibition and Causes During the Chou and Hsien 's Justice in the Qing Dynasty

  3. 中国律师(包括古代讼师)长期处于官僚、知识分子、商人三角边缘的灰色人群;

    Chinese lawyer ( including ancient legal pettifogger ) is defined unclearly among bureaucrat , intellectual and businessperson ;

  4. 本文首先将讼师这一文化现象作了一个简要的概述,分别介绍了讼师的概况,包括讼师的名称、出身、业务场所和分布地域及讼师的产生背景。

    This article made a brief introduction of legal pettifogger at first , including the name , the origin , workplaces , the region and the background .

  5. 讼师这一古老的职业,在中国有两千多年的历史。

    They were the so-called " legal pettifoggers " . Legal pettifogger is so old a profession in China that it has a history of 2000 years .

  6. 讼师是中国传统文化中不可或缺的重要环节,然而学界对于讼师现象的关注却少之又少,而且所知的资料也是非常有限。

    The legal pettifogger system is a key point in Chinese traditional culture , but the academic paid less attention and the material which is known is limited .

  7. 讼师的后辈们也就是律师,已经有了与讼师们截然不同的命运和待遇,但是对于以制度化方式提高他们的地位仍然是我们要努力的方向。

    The lawyer which are the offspring of legal pettifogger have different fate and trade , but we still should try to advance their status by institutional method .

  8. 讼师作为职业的存在,是专业服务需求的需要,也是官府与百姓之间知识系统沟通的需要。

    The occupation of legal counsel existed to meet not only the need of professional service , but also the need of bridging between the knowledge system of offices and commoners .

  9. 在传统的息讼法律文化氛围中,讼师被认为是利欲熏心,颠倒黑白,专钻法律空子的讼棍。

    In the Chinese traditional cultural atmosphere of " avoiding a lawsuit ", legal pettifoggers were considered as " shysters " who were obsessed with the desire for gain , confused right and wrong , and took advantage of loopholes of the law .

  10. 讼师势力的发展在地方行政资源严重不足以及行政兼理司法的体制下,直接影响其司法功能的实现,致使原有的法律秩序受到巨大冲击。

    The powerful influence of litigation masters arose within a system of local government that was seriously short of administrative resources but responsible for handling judicial administration . Under these conditions , litigation masters directly influenced legal affairs and had an enormous impact on the legal order .
