
  • 网络Factor income
  1. 三是要寻求劳动收入与要素收入的最佳结合点。

    Third , seek the best combining point of labor income and other factor income .

  2. 同时模型关于有偏技术进步的考察,还有助于对要素收入变动的理解。

    The empirical studies about biased technical progress also contribute to the understanding of the change of factor income share .

  3. Kaldor(1961)认为,要素收入分配比重保持不变被认为是一个典型化事实。

    Kaldor ( 1961 ) believes that the elements remain the same proportion of the income distribution is considered to be a " Stylized Facts " .

  4. 经济全球化对国际分工与要素收入分配机制的影响

    Globalization of Intellectual Economy and Its Influence on Income Allotment Mechanism

  5. 这部分的实证分析结果则验证了理论分析中所提出来的外部市场环境主要通过改变要素收入集中程度来影响村际间收入差距变化的假说。

    This result proves the view that external market environment influences .

  6. 在市场经济中,初次收入分配被称为要素收入分配。

    Primary distribution is that of the income from production factors .

  7. 准确测算劳动收入份额是揭示中国生产要素收入份额真实演化趋势的必要前提。

    Precise measurement of labor income share is the prerequisite of revealing the true trend of factor income share in China .

  8. 第三,农业产出、土地外资本收入和农村居民收入的提高对非技术人员要素收入的依赖性较强;

    Thirdly , the increase of agriculture output , non-land capital income and rural residents ′ income mainly depend on factors income of unskilled persons ;

  9. 分而治之意味着资本要素收入对劳动要素收入的侵占,而反分而治之则反映了服务业跨国公司发展中注重知识能力的特点。

    Divide and rule implies that capital factor occupies labor factor income , while anti-divide and rule reflects the knowledge-oriented features in the development of service MNCs .

  10. 最后,结合论文的分析结论,明晰了我国服务贸易要素收入作用的根本原因,并提出了针对性的对策建议。

    Finally , combined with the preceding analysis conclusions , the study analyze the root causes of the impact of China ' sservices trade on factor income and put forward specific policy proposals .

  11. 首先对国内外已有的有关劳动报酬份额的文献进行整理,然后以要素收入分配理论为基础,考察我国自市场经济体制确立以来,劳动者报酬份额的演变轨迹。

    First sort the existing domestic and international documents which are related to labor share , and then base on the theory of factor income distribution , consider the evolution of labor share .

  12. 这在表面上看似乎是公平的,因为在社会主义条件下,生产资料等要素收入归国家所有,居民只能获得在扣除各项社会基金之后的劳动剩余,这使居民间收入分配差距缩小。

    It seems as if it was fair , because in socialistic country , producing material et al belongs to country , anyone who can get is only the residue after dividing all kinds of social common funds .

  13. 燃油税率的双重红利研究中发现,当新增税收完全补贴给要素收入,减少要素市场扭曲时,第一重红利和第二重红利的效果均非常显著。

    Based on the results of researching double dividend effects of fuel tax , this paper finds that when the additional tax revenue was subsidized to factors income where lessening distortion in the factor market , the effects of both dividends are highly significant .

  14. 论文进一步探讨金融发展对要素收入分配的影响,发现其对劳动收入份额呈现显著的负向效应,这从金融发展视角解读了中国劳动收入份额持续下降的现象。

    In the seventh chapter , we examine the impact of financial development on factor income distribution . The result shows that , financial development has a significantly negative effect on labor share . This explains the declining labor share from the perspective of financial development .

  15. 技术要素参与收入分配问题研究

    Study on Technology Essential Factor Participation Income Distribution

  16. 利润表要素&收入、费用、利润的比较研究

    Accounting Elements of Profit Form & the Comparing Research on Revenue 、 Expense and Profit

  17. 中国居民收入差距的群体性特征分析&基于要素参与收入分配的实证研究

    The Characteristic Analysis of Colony Quality of Chinese Resident 's Income Gap & A Positive Research Basing on Key Element Participating in the Income and Assigns

  18. 财产性收入是指居民的非劳动性生产要素参与收入分配所获得的收益,即家庭拥有的动产和不动产所获得的收入。

    Property income refers to the residents of non ‐ labor factors of production involved in the distribution of income gains , the income obtained by the family ‐ owned movable and immovable property .

  19. 研究指出,要素间收入差距扩大会显著恶化人际收入分配格局,且不利于消费规模的增长,因此对于要素收入分配问题的研究就显得极为重要。

    Research indicates that the income gap between the elements will significantly improve the deterioration of interpersonal income distribution pattern , and not conducive to the scale of consumption growth , so the research of income distribution for the elements is extremely important .

  20. 其次,考虑了各个要素对国民收入中生产税净额的贡献。

    The capital reward of net taxed on production is also considered .

  21. 劳动报酬占比是指国民经济中劳动要素获取的收入在国民收入中的比重。

    Labor share is the labor factor income obtained in the proportion of national income in the national economy .

  22. 各要素共同参与收入分配,是提高分配制度激励和约束功能的内在要求。

    It is intrinsic request to increase allotment 's function of encouraging and controlling that each factor participates in allotment .

  23. 另外,东部地区的全要素生产率对收入的贡献均高于中西部地区。

    In addition , the contributions of TFP to income of east region are higher than that in central and west regions .

  24. 要素产权是收入分配的依据,社会经济占支配地位的生产要素的更替必然引起收入分配方式的改变。

    Factor production factors , which occupy the dominant place in social economy , certainly lead to changes in revenue distribution pattern .

  25. 按生产要素分配个人收入是市场经济的分配原则,西方经济学家斯密、萨伊、马歇尔等都论及按生产要素分配。

    To distribute personal income according to primary elements for production is the principle of distribution of the market economy . Western economists such as Adam Smith , J.

  26. 从我国农村生产力主要要素和农民收入及投入等角度看,农民科技素质能否迅速实现优化升级,直接关系到我国能否实现农业现代化。

    From the viewpoint of main factors of labour productivity , farmers ' income and investment , whether farmers ' technical quality can be updated or not , it is directly related to our agriculture modernization .

  27. 模型得出了商品供应、部门产出、GDP、就业、要素报酬、要素收入等对石油价格波动的比较静态效应。

    The paper induces the comparative static effects between oil price and goods supply , sectoral product , GDP , employment , income of factors , prices of factors .

  28. 这也使得从生产要素视角再度分析收入差距成为需要和可能。

    So to study the existence and expansion of the income gap from a new perspective of productive factors becomes possible and necessary .

  29. 政府预算的执行情况由预算会计系统提供,预算会计要素设置为预算收入、预算支出和预算结余。

    Government budget implementation is provided by the budget accounting system . Budget accounting elements are the fiscal revenues , public expenditures , and budget balance .

  30. 在对基尼系数进行分项收入静态分解的基础上,文章首先分别分析了各个要素对村庄内部收入差距的影响特征。

    Firstly , on the basis of Gini Index decomposition , this paper analyzes the influence character of every factor on the income inequality within a village .