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  • 网络Factor market
  1. 本文以1999&2005年全国30个省(市、区)的制造业为样本,运用DEA方法对要素市场扭曲导致的技术效率损失进行了实证分析。

    Based on the data of manufacturing industry across 30 provinces in China from 1999 to 2005 , this paper evaluates the industrial efficiency loss due to factor market distortions by using the Data Envelopment Analysis method .

  2. 我国农村经济面临的主要问题是要素市场化水平滞后于商品市场化水平。

    But development of factor market has lagged behind commodity market .

  3. 中国要素市场扭曲的产业效率损失&基于DEA方法的实证分析

    Analysis on Industrial Efficiency Loss of China 's Factors Market Distortion : An Empirical Study Based on DEA

  4. 要素市场化视角下的MBO与经理人市场建设的逻辑次序

    Logical Order of Management Buyout ( MBO ) and Managerial Labor Market Construction in the Perspective of Factor Liberalization

  5. 内容提要要素市场扭曲会导致农户个体对资本、劳动等生产要素配置扭曲,最终降低农业的总量全要素生产率(TFP)。

    Factor markets'distortion could induce individual household 's misallocation of capital and labor and lowers the aggregate TFP in agriculture .

  6. 鉴于CIT主导着美国400亿美元的生产要素市场,被套牢的资金总额可能宠大到足以令数千家公司倒闭。

    Given CIT 's dominance of America 's $ 40 billion factoring market , the amount tied up could be large enough to put hundreds of firms out of business .

  7. 虽然劳动力迁移新经济学(NELM)认为发展中国家要素市场不完善是导致劳动力流失对农业生产形成负面效应的原因,但在实证研究中没有对该原因进行检验。

    Although New Economics of Labor Migration ( NELM ) holds that the imperfection of the factor markets in developing countries results in the negative impact of labor loss on agricultural production , but the reasons have not been inspected in the empirical study .

  8. 增加用于培育生产要素市场的资金的投入;

    Nurturing the markets of product factors with more fiscal funds ;

  9. 我国竞技体育高水平运动员人力资本要素市场化

    Marketilization of high-level athlete human capital factor of Chinese athletic sports

  10. 香港与珠三角区域经济融合:生产要素市场流动初探

    Economic Integration between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta

  11. 第四章就长三角的港口资源要素市场化进行了详细阐述。

    Chapter 4 examine the resources marketization of Yangtze River delta region ;

  12. 我们培育和发展了适应市场经济、符合国际惯例的商品和要素市场。

    We have developed a market economy in line with international practices .

  13. 明晰土地产权,积极培育农村要素市场&基于广西庆林村的马六坡案例

    Clarifying the Land Property Rights and Actively Cultivating the Rural Factor Markets

  14. 进一步完善科技要素市场与科技基础设施;

    To complete scientific and technological elements market and infrastructures ;

  15. 基于要素市场分析我国收入分配问题

    Dealing with Income Gaps Based on Analysis of Factors Markets

  16. 农村土地要素市场化测度的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Measurement to The Marketization of Rural Farmland Elements

  17. 当然,生产要素市场也无可避免。

    Of course , the factor market is inevitable .

  18. 积极发挥西部城市在要素市场配置中的综合功能。

    Finally , play the western cities ' synthetical role in allocating resources .

  19. 技术要素市场均衡理论探讨

    Study on the equilibrium of the market of technology as a production factor

  20. 环境生产要素市场的供求均衡及其对厂商生产的影响

    Analysis of Market Equilibrium and its Impact to Firm on Environment Production Factor

  21. 我国要素市场发展中的交易成本与产权问题

    Transaction Cost and Property Right in the Development of the Chinese Factor Market

  22. 它既有准资本市场的性质,又兼有其他要素市场的性质。

    It has the essence of capital market and the other factor markets .

  23. 企业是要素市场一系列契约的结点。

    Enterprise is the convergence of a series of contracts of market factors .

  24. 分析房地产行业的要素市场。

    Fourth , analyze the key element market of the real estate trade .

  25. 农村生产要素市场培育与发展的策略构思

    Tactics of cultivating and developing rural factor market

  26. 随着市场经济的转型,各种要素市场开始发育。

    With the transition of market economy , various elements of market are developing .

  27. 论西部地区要素市场的构建

    Discuss on Factor Market Development in West China

  28. 永安市建立林业要素市场透视

    Perspective of Forestry Factor Market Construction in Yong'an

  29. 地方政府的赶超行为加深了要素市场不完全竞争程度。

    Economic catching-up behavior of local government has deepened imperfect competition of factor market .

  30. 下一步农村改革的重点应该放在要素市场化上。

    Then the forthcoming rural economic reform should focus on development of factor market .