首页 / 词典 / good


rén cái
  • a person of ability;a talented person;talent;qualified personnel;beautiful
人才 [rén cái]
  • (1) [talent]∶在某一方面有才能或本事的人

  • 争夺高科技人才

  • (2) [beautiful]∶指美丽的容貌

  • 颇有几分人才

  • (3) 也作人材

人才[rén cái]
  1. 课程设置是人才培养目标的具体体现,是为人才培养目标服务的。

    That the course installation is a person of ability cultivation target concretely embodying , the cultivation target behaved is served .

  2. 办好有中国特色的社会主义学校,培养新世纪建设祖国的人才,离不开一支高质量的思想政治课教师队伍。

    The high quality workers in the political lessons are absolutely necessary in order to running successfully the socialism school with china feature , to nurture and educate a person of ability to build our country in new century .

  3. 只有70岁以上的人才有资格领取这项专款。

    Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment .

  4. 这个学院是培养商务人才的。

    The college prepares students for a career in business .

  5. 公司急需具有最新理念的人才。

    The company is crying out for fresh new talent .

  6. 该队有很多自己培养的人才。

    The team has a wealth of home-grown talent .

  7. 他始终保持着专业人才的风度。

    He maintained a professional demeanour throughout .

  8. 真正的人才常被埋没。

    Real talent often goes unrewarded .

  9. 这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。

    This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies

  10. 日本企业在寻觅新型管理人才。

    Japanese firms are looking for a new breed of manager .

  11. 他仍然是我们最最优秀的人才。

    He 's still far and away the best we have .

  12. 不是只有我一个人才这样,我可以用这一事实来安慰自己。

    I can console myself with the fact that I 'm not alone

  13. 在这一地区有大量的音乐人才。

    We have a wealth of musical talent in this region

  14. 我们需要各个学科的人才。

    We 're looking for people from a wide range of disciplines .

  15. 他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。

    He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities

  16. 从入职第一天开始,他就是公司难得的人才。

    From day one he 's been a great asset to the company .

  17. 直到10点一刻,其他人才露面。

    Nobody else turned up till a quarter past ten

  18. 英格兰队的人才选拔委员会必须着手引入一些新生力量。

    The England selectors must start introducing young blood .

  19. 见到查尔斯本人才最能感受到他的魅力。

    Charles ' appeal is best observed in the flesh

  20. 一个国家的首要资源是其人才资源。

    A country 's principal resource is its brainpower .

  21. 只有铁石心肠的人才会对他无动于衷。

    You would have to be pretty hard-hearted not to feel something for him .

  22. 中央情报局雇用了一大批这一领域的顶尖专业人才。

    The Central Intelligence Agency employed a goodly number of expert professionals in this particular field

  23. 只有那些在当前的体制中有既得利益的人才会忽略改革的必要性。

    Only those with vested interests in the current system could ignore the need for change

  24. 显然,我们永远无法得到我们想要的那种杰出人才。

    It became apparent that we could never get the calibre of people we wanted .

  25. 并不是只有抽烟喝酒的人才会犯心脏病。

    You don 't need to be a smoker or a drinker to risk heart disease

  26. 大多数人都认识到需要用高额聘金来吸引精英人才。

    Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best .

  27. 他表示这一举措势必会抑制殖民地人才和企业严重流失的现象。

    He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony .

  28. 如果不能成功解决赤字问题,我们将错过等了一代人才等来的机会。

    Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven 't had for a generation

  29. 只有经常使用厨房的人才会懂得如何设计好厨房。

    Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it out .

  30. 我们需要更多年轻的科学家来填补预计未来10年退休高峰带来的人才缺口。

    We need more young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade