
  1. 扩展了这个策略,把年龄跟性别或种族等重要人口属性一样包括进去了呢?

    have actually expanded that strategy to include age as just as important of a demographic as gender or race ?

  2. 警务人员工作倦怠在人口属性变量(性别、岗位、警种、年龄和警龄)上存在显著差异。

    Result indicates that the three dimensions of job burnout are significantly different bases on the demographic variables , such as gender , duty position , police 's sort , age and years of service .

  3. 例如,分销渠道描述行为数据,而国籍则描述人口统计属性。

    For example , the distribution channels describe behavioral data , and the country describes a demographic property .

  4. 对北京市朝阳区流动人口的属性特征和空间特点进行了分析,从不同角度和层面反映了北京市流动人口的特征。

    The chapter analyzed the attribute characteristics and the spatial distribution characteristics of floating population in Chaoyang district .

  5. 最佳实践是首先要根据客户的行为来细分客户,然后再联接此信息到人口统计属性。

    A best practice is to first segment customers according to their behavior and then link this information to demographic properties .

  6. 基于可能&满意度和粗糙集方法的适度人口及其决策属性研究

    A Study of Optimum Population and It 's Decision Attribute Based on Possibility-Satisfiability Method and RS Theory