
  • 网络Endogenous growth;Organic Growth
  1. 如果他们目前还是独立存在的公司(如阿卡迈、思科、EMC、甲骨文、微软、IBM和惠普等),其核心计算业务的内生增长也是非常缓慢的,甚或没有任何增长。

    And if they 're still standalone companies ( such as Akamai , Cisco , EMC , Oracle , Microsoft , IBM , HP ) , then they 're showing very slow , if any , organic growth in their core computing businesses .

  2. RD、RD溢出、内生增长和内生收敛

    R D , R D Spillovers , Endogenous Growth and Endogenous Convergence

  3. 基于内生增长理论的FDI对经济增长影响的研究

    Research in Effects of FDI on Economic Growth Based on Endogenous Growth Theory

  4. 本文运用内生增长模型与世代重叠模型的结合分析,试图从理论上来探讨在考虑人们遗产动机的情况下,公共养老保险制度对于经济增长率和社会福利(socialwelfare)所产生的效应。

    By an endogenous growth model and overlapping generations model , this paper analyzes the effects of public pension scheme on economic growth and social welfare .

  5. 巴克莱资本的蒂姆邦德(TimBond)表示,他们不愿相信,这个地区能够实现内生增长。

    Tim Bond , of Barclays Capital , suggests they are unwilling to believe that the region is capable of endogenous growth .

  6. 第二章为理论综述,分别梳理外商直接投资理论、技术内生增长理论和FDI技术溢出效应理论。

    The second chapter is a theoretical review . Respectively , it sorts out international investment theory , endogenous growth theory and technology spillovers theory of FDI .

  7. 由于知识的非竞争性,基于RD的内生增长模型存在规模效应,即人口数量越大,从事RD的人员越多,经济增长率越快。

    Because of the non-rivalry of knowledge , the R D based endogenous growth model implies the scale effect , which means the larger the population , and the more the number of R D employee , the faster the economy grows .

  8. 人力资本投资结构及其对经济增长的影响&基于扩展MRW模型的内生增长理论与实证研究

    Investment Structure in Human Capital and its Effect on Economic Growth Model

  9. 本文的的主要目标是研究非马氏(non-Markovian)随机内生增长经济中的均衡资本税问题。

    The major goal of this paper is to study the issue of equilibrium capital taxation in a non-Markovian stochastic endogenous growth economy .

  10. 在本文中作者讨论了新古典增长理论下的TFP增长率解释和内生增长理论下的TFP增长率解释,并在此基础上提出了一个一般性的生产率变化的解释性框架。

    In this paper , the explanations of the TFP growth based on the neoclassical growth theory and new growth theory are discussed , and a general explaining frame for TFP growth is built .

  11. 因此,本文基于Cobb-Douglas生产函数,构建包含金融部门的内生增长模型,详细地分析了三者的理论关系。

    Therefore , the paper , basing on the Cobb-Douglas production function , constructs the endogenous growth model which contains the financial sector , and detailed analysis the three theoretical relationships .

  12. 基于内生增长模型的建模思想,通过改进Romer的内生增长模型,建立包含劳动参与率因素的内生增长模型。

    Based on the ideas of how to establish an endogenous growth model , this article sets up an endogenous growth model , which embodies the factor of labor force participation rate , by improving David Romer ′ s results .

  13. 文中选用了Barro的内生增长理论模型,然后根据这一理论模型,结合江西省的实际情况,选用1996-2008年财政支出数据建立了计量经济模型,最后根据模型运算得出结论。

    The paper selected Barro model of endogenous growth theory , Then the theoretical model , combined with the actual situation in Jiangxi Province , 1996-2008 fiscal expenditure data used to establish an econometric model , and finally concluded that the model operator .

  14. 经济增长:内生增长理论与中国人力资本投资

    Economic growth : endogenetic growth theory and Chinese manpower capital investment

  15. 内生增长理论下的循环经济研究

    Research on the Circular Economy under the Theory of Endogenous Growth

  16. 结构主义和内生增长理论为该论断提供了直接的理论依据。

    This conclusion is built on structuralism and Endogenous growth theory .

  17. 内生增长理论的主要工具是动态最优化。

    The main instrument of endogenous growth theory is dynamic optimization .

  18. 经济效率内生增长的作用机制

    An Analysis of the Affection Mechanism of Economic Efficiency Endogenous Growth

  19. 基于内生增长理论的企业专利战略研究

    Study on Enterprises ' Patent Strategy Based on Endogenous Growth Theory

  20. 部分积累制公共年金、双向利他与内生增长

    Partially Funded Public Pension , Two-Sided Altruism And Endogenous Growth

  21. 基于内生增长理论的农民身份市民化

    A Study on Peasants ' Status Citizenization Based on Endogenous Growth Theory

  22. 城镇社会养老保险、人口出生率与内生增长

    Urban Public Pension , Fertility and Endogenous Growth in China

  23. 中国经济转型期嵌入内生增长模式的战略思考

    Strategic Thoughts on Embedding Endogenous Growth Model in China 's Transition period

  24. 技术外溢与吸收能力:基于开放经济下的内生增长模型分析

    Technology Spillovers and Absorptive Capacity in an Open Economy Endogenous Growth Model

  25. 基于企业家产品水平创新的内生增长模型

    An Endogenous Growth Model for Entrepreneurship Based on Product-adding Innovations

  26. 两部门内生增长模型里的多重均衡问题:一个文献综述

    Multiple Equilibria in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth : A Literature Review

  27. 内生增长理论的生成机理研究

    Research on Reproductive Mechanism of Internal Caused Increase Theory

  28. 内生增长理论与我国西部地区的经济发展

    Endotrophic growth theory and economic development of the western region of our country

  29. 小型开放经济中内生增长的不确定性

    Indeterminancy of Endogenous Growth in a Small Open Economy

  30. 人力资本形成及其对经济增长的影响&一个包含教育和健康投入的内生增长模型及其检验

    Human Capital Formation land its Effects on Economic Growth