
  • Abstract;summary;Brief content
  1. 他把那些论文都读了一遍并做了内容摘要。

    He read through the papers and made an abstract of their contents .

  2. 内容摘要:神经细胞的电现象是生理学研究的重点之一。

    Abstract : The neuroelectricity is one of the highlights of physiologic research .

  3. 把纲要放在订正或植物志前面作为内容摘要。

    Synopses appear in the front of revisions or Flovas as a summary of contents .

  4. 内容摘要:加入WTO之后,中国电影迎来更加激烈的市场竞争。

    Summary : China Movie was more aboil with competition in global market since China attended WTO .

  5. .内容摘要:PHILLIPS:他们的孩子大脑受到损伤,这就是他们的遭遇。

    PHILLIPS : Their child has brain damage and this is what they got .

  6. RCD:一种精简的网络缓存内容摘要表达方法

    A Reduced Cache Digest for the Content Representation of Web Caching

  7. 典型的RSS提要包含站点上可用的最新文章列表,其中列出各文章的标题、内容摘要以及一个到正文的链接。

    An RSS feed typically contains a list of recent articles available on the site , and for each of them a title , a brief summary , and a link to the main article .

  8. 内容摘要:这是一篇关于自由主义的论文。

    Content abstract : This is one about the liberalism paper .

  9. 内容摘要:21世纪已经进入服务经济时代。

    Content abstract : The21st century already entered the service economical time .

  10. 内容摘要:本文致力于数学思想教育研究。

    This paper aims at mathematical thinking education and research .

  11. 内容摘要:课堂教学模式改革是教学改革的一项重要内容。

    Classroom teaching mode reform is an important part of teaching reform .

  12. 主要内容摘要:中国人民银行上调存款准备金率0.5个百分点至16.5%。

    Policy Summary : PBOC lifts reserve ratio by0.5 percentage point to16.5 %

  13. 这一部分是从五个问内容摘要题分别阐述的。

    It was explained from five separate aspects partially .

  14. 内容摘要:内容摘要:投诉,是酒店中常常出现的一个词。

    Content abstract : complaints , is often occur in the hotel one word .

  15. 可把纲要放在修正本前面作为内容摘要。

    Synopses can appear in the front of revisions as a summary of contents .

  16. 内容摘要:德育课程建设是个尚需深入研究的课题。

    Content abstract : The moral education curriculum construction was must the deep research topic .

  17. 内容摘要新闻造假现象一直是新闻业难以根治的痼疾。

    Pseudo event phenomenon always is chronic disease which the news industry permanently cures with difficulty .

  18. 它提供高级堆内容摘要,包括可疑漏洞的识别。

    It provides a high-level summary of the heap contents , including identification of leak suspects .

  19. 内容摘要:中国古代文学博大精深,诗词尤为突出。

    Content abstract : Chin ese literature in ancient times is broad and profound , poetry outstandingly .

  20. 内容摘要利用数控系统改造车床是提高老设备利用率的一种重要手段。

    Utilizing NC system reforms lathes is an important method to heighten the rate of old equipments .

  21. 内容摘要:今年国务院决定,改革现行出口退税机制。

    Content abstract : This year the State Council decided that reform present tax reimbursement for export mechanism .

  22. 内容摘要:希腊人发明了,并视之为最高贵的活动。

    Content abstract : The Greek has invented the philosophy , and regards it for the noblest activity .

  23. 内容摘要:由于我国独特的二元经济结构,社会保障制度也存在二元结构,理论研究上也就分为城市和农村分别进行。

    Because of the unique dual economic structure , there are also dual structure in the social security system .

  24. 内容摘要:评估癫痫患儿行腺样体、扁桃体摘除术时麻醉方法的安全性。

    Objective : To evaluate the security of anesthesia management both in adenoidectomy and in tonsillectomy for epileptic children .

  25. 内容摘要:创新思维是整个创新活动的智能结构的关键,是创新能力的核心。

    Content abstract : The innovation thought is the entire innovationintelligent structure key , is innovates the ability core .

  26. 内容摘要大面积烧伤休克期过后,直到创面愈合封闭,这段时间统称为&感染期。

    After shock stage and before wound healing there is a stage called infection stage for large area burn .

  27. 内容摘要:土壤资源是人类赖以生存的重要自然资源,是农业生产的基础。

    Content : The resource of soil is the extremely valuable natural resource for the survival of human being .

  28. 内容摘要:目的:了解贵阳市初中学生的心理健康状况。

    Objective : To explore the psychological healthy situation of the student 's of GuiYang City junior high school .

  29. 内容摘要就是广告的一种方式,而首页也是在做广告(甚至是一个网站)。

    A teaser is one way to advertise , and a homepage advertises too ( even a website ) .

  30. 内容摘要:无线电是流传下来的一种最容易部署和方便使用的技术。

    Abstract : Wireless is passed down as one of the most convenient and easy deployment of the technology .