
  • 网络University of Nebraska-Lincoln;the University of Nebraska;Omaha;University of Nebraska at Omaha
  1. 内布拉斯加大学:该校成立于1869年,有四个校区。

    The University of Nebraska : The university ( 1869 ) has four campuses .

  2. 不是他在内布拉斯加大学(UniversityofNebraska)获得的学士学位,也不是他在哥伦比亚商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)获得的经济学硕士学位。

    It isn 't for his bachelors degree from the University of Nebraska , or his master of science in economics from Columbia Business School .

  3. 亚特兰大埃默里大学医院(EmoryUniversityHospital)和奥马哈的内布拉斯加大学医学中心(UniversityofNebraskaMedicalCenter)也成功治愈了几名在非洲感染后回国的美国医务人员。

    Emory University Hospital in Atlanta and Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha have also successfully treated American health workers who were infected in Africa and flown back to the United States .

  4. MattWaite是内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的新闻教授,在他的无人机新闻实验室,学生们学习新闻报道中无人机的多种用法。

    Matt Waite is a journalism professor at the University of Nebraska , Lincoln . Students in his Drone Journalism Lab are exploring different uses for drones in news reporting .

  5. 周六他们最后一个主场比赛将迎战排名全国第19的内布拉斯加大学。

    They play their last home game of the season on Saturday against nineteenth-ranked Nebraska .

  6. 在从内布拉斯加大学毕业后,沃伦·巴菲特申请了哈佛商学院。

    After graduating from the University of Nebraska , Warren Buffett applied to Harvard Business School .

  7. 我们欢迎更多的美国学生包括内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的学生到中国学习和研究。

    We welcome more American students , including from UNL , to study and do research in China .

  8. 我们都在平板大电视上看内布拉斯加大学和德克萨斯农工大学的橄榄球比赛。

    And we watch the Nebraska and Texas A & M game on big screen ( TV ) .

  9. 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的微生物学家延斯·沃尔特称该项研究为“瞩目的技术成就”。

    Jens Walter , a microbiologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln calls the work an " impressive technical achievement " .

  10. 毕业于内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校的阿富汗农业部长阿西夫.拉希米被认为是阿富汗最有创造性和最有成效的官员之一。

    Afghanistan 's U.S. - educated Minister of Agriculture is considered one of his country 's most innovative and effective administrators .

  11. 内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校的本杰明阿尔瓦拉多教授最近访问了古巴,探讨美国和古巴和解的机会。

    University of Nebraska at Omaha professor Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado recently visited Cuba to explore opportunities for rapprochement between the two governments .

  12. 由内布拉斯加大学所做的一项研究发现,有节制地运用所谓人类“阴暗面”品质能够提高人们的指挥能力。

    A study by the University of Nebraska found that these so-called " dark side " qualities in moderation enhance people 's ability to command .

  13. 在沃顿学习了两年后,巴菲特转学到其父母的母校&林肯的内布拉斯加大学,在那儿修完了大学最后一年的课程。

    After two years at Wharton , Buffett transferred to his parents'alma mater , the University of Nebraska in Lincoln , for his final year of college .

  14. 本研究小组也包括来自内布拉斯加大学、阿肯色大学、范德比尔特大学与北德州大学健康科学中心的科学家。

    The team also includes scientists from the University of Nebraska , the University of Arkansas , Vanderbilt University , and the University of North Texas Health Science Center .

  15. 瑞克·考尼什先生获得丹佛神学院宗教研究博士学位,此外还获得内布拉斯加大学希腊古典文学和历史学的硕士和学士学位。

    Rick Cornish has a doctorate degree in Religious Studies from Denver Seminary as well as masters and bachelors degrees in Classical Greek and history from the University of Nebraska .

  16. 在人们钟爱的当地橄榄球队内布拉斯加大学剥玉米人队的一场比赛间隙,横加公司在屏幕上播出了支持修建管道的广告,招致人群发嘘声。

    When TransCanada screened an ad in favour of the pipeline during a match of the beloved local American football team , the University of Nebraska 's Cornhuskers , the crowd booed .

  17. 内布拉斯加州首府;位于内布拉斯加州东南部;内布拉斯加大学所在地。我曾获南卡州立大学理学士学位和加利福尼亚工学院物理学博士学位。

    Capital of the state of Nebraska ; located in southeastern Nebraska ; site of the University of Nebraska . I have a BS from USC and Ph D in physics from the California Institute of Technology .

  18. 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的研究人员解释说,正如大家所知道的,自恋者自视过高,正因如此他们能更好地谈论自己和推销自己,展现给面试考官的是自信和有专长的形象。

    That 's because narcissists , known to be obnoxiously high on self-esteem , are better able to talk about and promote themselves , which projects confidence and expertise to interviewers , University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers explained .

  19. 我高兴地得知,内布拉斯加大学系统詹姆斯米利肯校长正在中国访问,这是他首次访华,是推进同中国高校交流合作的重要步骤。

    I am pleased to learn that as we speak , President James miliken is visiting China . This is his first trip to China , and it represents a major step to enhance exchanges and cooperation with Chinese universities .

  20. 国防部长ChuckHagel在内布拉斯加州立大学发表讲话,认为这场冲突形势复杂、无法预知且具有很强的煽动力。

    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel , speaking at the University of Nebraska , called the conflict complex , unpredictable and very combustible .

  21. 拉里萨·沃尔夫巴尔杰是内布拉斯加州立大学的一名生物学教授,同时也是撰写报告的委员会的一名成员。

    LaReesa Wolfenbarger is a University of Nebraska biology professor and a member of the committee that wrote the report .

  22. 和陆鸿不同,22岁的王琳娜(音译)申请的是美国内布拉斯加一所文科大学。

    Different from her compatriot Lu , Wang Linna , 22 , chose to apply to a liberal arts school in Nebraska , US .