
  • 网络Address;memory address;addr
  1. 每个DB2代理进程都有其自己的内存地址空间。

    Each DB2 agent process has its own memory address space .

  2. Purify观察点可以为特定内存地址报告以下的消息

    Purify watch points can report the following messages for the given memory address

  3. 基于FPGA的数字视频多窗口内存地址生成器设计

    Digital Video Multi-window Memory Address Generator Design Based on FPGA

  4. C语言中的指针机制使程序员可以直接访问内存地址,具有很高的灵活性。

    Using the pointer mechanism , C programs can directly access the memory locations which makes C a very flexible language .

  5. this在C++中称为this指针,它代表了当前实例的内存地址;在C中称为this引用。

    This , which is called this pointer in C + + and this reference in C # , Standing for memory address of the current instance .

  6. Java堆的范围是从“begin”标签指明的内存地址到“end”标签指明的内存地址。

    The Java heap extends from memory address indicated by the " begin " label to the memory address given by the " end " label .

  7. 这样,在write调用访问非法内存地址、并被随后接收到的SIGBUS信号杀死之前,write系统调用就被RTSIGNALLEASE信号中断了。

    Your write call is interrupted before your program accesses an invalid address and gets killed by the SIGBUS signal .

  8. 用PASCAL语言计算数据库文件各字段的内存地址

    The Calculation of the Addresses of Fields of DBF file in PASCAL Language

  9. 此实用工具显示所有导出函数和他们指定的DLL文件的虚拟内存地址。

    This utility displays the list of all exported functions and their virtual memory addresses for the specified DLL files .

  10. 打印开始于内存地址(addr)的字节Size的内存状态,正如先前在应用程序编程接口部分所解释的那样。

    Prints the memory state of size bytes starting at memory address ( addr ), as explained previously in the Application programming interface section .

  11. 此时write系统调用会被进程接收到的SIGBUS信号中断,因为当前进程访问了非法内存地址。

    Your write system call will be interrupted by the bus error signal SIGBUS , because you performed a bad memory access .

  12. 显示所有IRQ号和内存地址,就象PCI总线上的卡看到的一样,而不是内核看到的内容。

    Show all IRQ numbers and addresses as seen by the cards on the PCI bus instead of as seen by the kernel .

  13. 该系统通过标准ISA总线与计算机接口,帧存直接映射计算机内存地址空间,存取速度快。

    The frame memory in the system is directly mapped to the computer ′ s memory address space . High speed memory read and write can be realized .

  14. 简单来说,可以将它看作是一个矩阵,其中一列包含内存地址,另一列包含源triplet(文件、代码行和列)。

    In the simplest form , this can be looked at as a matrix with one column containing the memory addresses and another column containing the source triplet ( file , line , and column ) .

  15. mshmid记录标识符,A::msArena记录共享内存地址。

    Initializer : : m_shmid records the identifier and A : : m_sArena records the shared memory address .

  16. 在缺少同步的情况下,JMM会允许两个线程在同一个内存地址上看到不同的值。

    In the absence of synchronization , it is allowable ( according to the JMM ) for two threads to see different values in the same memory location .

  17. 基于内存地址确认的缓冲区溢出检测方法

    An Approach to Buffer Overflow Detection Based on Memory Address Confirmation

  18. 用于追加的数据的源是一个内存地址。

    The source of the appended data is a memory location .

  19. 基于类型化内存地址的安全策略的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Safety Policy Based on Typed Memory Address

  20. 系统内存地址空间。启用该特性将大大地提高

    Memory address space . Enabling this feature greatly improves the

  21. 所使用的内存地址是通过将这两个寄存器加在一起来确定的。

    The memory address used is determined by adding the two registers together .

  22. 在最初分配的内存地址处打开共享内存失败

    A shared memory open failed to open at the originally assigned memory address

  23. 它包括两个部分:一个内存地址以及一个索引寄存器。

    It has two parts : a memory address and an index register .

  24. 每个字节位移用于标识一个机器代码指令使用的内存地址。

    Each byte offset identifies a memory address used by a machine code instruction .

  25. 在启动线程时所运行函数的内存地址。

    The memory address of the function that was run when the thread started .

  26. 返回内存地址到刚才的那个部分中。

    Returns address to element in memory .

  27. 你也可以设置断点并检查特定内存地址或寄存器的内容。

    You can also set breakpoints and examine the contents of specific memory locations and registers .

  28. 在每次加载一个共享库时,可以将其潜在地映射为一个新的内存地址。

    A shared library is potentially mapped to a new memory address every time it gets loaded .

  29. 如果是内存地址冲突,也可以使用相同的方法进行排除。

    If the memory address conflicts , can also be used to rule out the same way .

  30. 这使得调试器可以更容易地确定哪一个编译单元在某个特定内存地址创建了代码。

    This makes it easier for a debugger to identify which compilation unit created the code at a particular memory address .