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  • reference type
  1. 它也被映射成了java.util.Calendar,这是Java中的引用类型。

    It is also mapped to java . util . Calendar , which is a reference type in Java .

  2. 数据类型可以是DB2内置数据类型、独特的类型或引用类型。

    The data type can be a DB2 built-in data type , a distinct type or a reference type .

  3. 两个函数都要求提供的模式文档声明或定义要测试的实例元素,以及代替组head元素或引用类型。

    Both functions require that the provided schema documents declare or define the instance element to be tested and the substitution group head element or the referenced type .

  4. 在Java中,当引用类型没有引用任何对象时将其赋空值,这是公共的操作。

    In Java , it is a common practice to assign a null value to a reference type when it is not referencing any object .

  5. 就像你知道的那样,值类型是分配在栈上的,而引用类型是分配在GC堆上的。

    As you know value types are allocated on the stack unlike reference types which are allocated on the GC heap .

  6. 不过,您不能将引用类型为WSDL的组件直接连接到具有Java接口的另一个组件。

    However , you cannot directly wire a component with a WSDL type of reference to another component that has a Java interface .

  7. 如果该类对象表示引用类型,而不是数组类型,那么返回该类的二进制名称,说明见Java语言规范(第二版)。

    If this class object represents a reference type that is not an array type then the binary name of the class is returned , as specified by the Java Language Specification , Second Edition .

  8. 集合可以是值类型的(元素或组合元素),也可以是实体引用类型的(one-to-many或many-to-many关联)。

    Collections can either model value types ( element or composite-element ) or entity reference types ( one-to-many or many-to-many associations ) .

  9. 如果XSD类型在一种语言中被映射成了数值类型,而在另一种语言中被映射成了引用类型,那么这可能导致问题的出现。

    This can lead to a problem if the XSD type is mapped to a value type in one language but mapped to a reference type in another .

  10. 首先,将需要知道WSDL的样式(DLW或任何其他样式),其次,将需要知道引用类型(j-type或w-type)。

    First you 'll need to know style of WSDL DLW or any other and then you 'll need the reference type , j-type or w-type .

  11. 也许将来会为引用类型提供新的newInstance()版本,这样就两者兼顾了。

    Perhaps in the future , an alternate version of newInstance () will be provided for reference types so you can have it both ways .

  12. 单个引用类型、RiCEvent适用于所有生成的事件,并且保持了对事件数据的引用(如果它存在的话),而且只会对带有数据的事件生成一个稳定的类型。

    A single reference type , RiCEvent , is used for all generated events and also holds a reference to the event 's data ( if any exists ), and a dedicated type is generated only for events with data .

  13. ·装箱允许任意类型被加工为引用类型。

    Boxing allows any type to be treated as a reference type .

  14. 对引用类型集合的调优主要是调优获取策略。

    Tuning the collection of reference types is mainly tuning fetch strategy .

  15. 当你复制一个引用类型时,拷贝的只是一个指针。

    When you copy a reference type , only the pointer is copied .

  16. 不得将它用于引用类型数组。

    It must not be used on reference-type arrays .

  17. 目前引用类型仅限于文档类型和属性表类型。

    Reference types are currently limited to document type and property sheet type .

  18. 对于引用类型,泛型的工作方式略有不同。

    Generics work a little differently for reference types .

  19. 计算结果为引用类型的任何表达式。

    Any expression that evaluates to a reference type .

  20. 分配值类型时复制数据。分配引用类型时则只复制引用。

    When a reference type is assigned , only the reference is copied .

  21. 任何返回引用类型的成员都会返回一个那个对象的句柄。

    Any member that returns a reference type returns a handle to that object .

  22. 指定的引用类型无效。

    The specified reference type is not valid .

  23. 应作用于引用类型。

    Is intended to work on reference types .

  24. 类型的重用有复杂类型和简单类型两种,前者表示为类之间的泛化联系,后者表示为属性引用类型。

    Type reuse has two kinds : for complex type and for simple type .

  25. 这个功能只对引用类型有效,在结构上不允许变异。

    This support is only for reference types , no variance is allowed on structures .

  26. 所有其他类型都是引用类型。

    All other types are reference types .

  27. 其他的特性还包括类不变量、非空引用类型和加强的静态分析功能。

    Other features include class invariants , non-nullable reference types , and enhanced static analysis capabilities .

  28. 大多数引用类型都属于可变类型。

    Most reference types are mutable .

  29. 下表显示了可以包含在报表表达式中的引用类型。

    The following table shows the types of references that you can include in a report expression .

  30. 指令将在!0是引用类型的情况下执行类型检查。

    Instruction would perform a type check in the case where ! 0 was a reference type .