
  • 网络Certification standards;ISO;approval standards;GOTS
  1. 采用国际认证标准提高医院质量管理水平

    Using International Evaluation Approval Standards to Improve Hospital Quality Management

  2. 但要实现所有这些概念花销巨大,需要陆上和空中的安全认证标准,需要双重控制,需要复杂的折叠机翼和螺旋桨,还得从飞机跑道起飞。

    But all these concepts are massively expensive , require safety certification standards for road and air , need dual controls , involve complex folding wings and propellers , and have to be flown from air-strips .

  3. ISO9000质量认证标准在急诊留观室病房化管理中的应用

    Application of ISO9000 in ward-mode management of observation room of emergency department

  4. 随着SA8000社会责任认证标准走进我国,企业的社会责任(socialresponsibility)成为了我国社会关注的焦点。

    Corporate social responsibility has become the focus of attention of our country With the SA8000 certification standards of social responsibility into our country .

  5. 本厂秉承:英群聚会,技术以人为本对产品质量精益求精理念,严格执行国家标准和ISO国际管理体系认证标准。

    Our principle : talent-collection , human-oriented technology , perfection-seeking product quality and strict implement of national standard and ISO authentication standard .

  6. SA8000社会责任认证标准与我国企业社会责任规范化

    SA8000 and standardized corporate social responsibility in China

  7. SA8000标准是全球第一个针对企业的社会责任认证标准。

    Social Accountability 8000 is the first standard of enterprises social accountability on the world .

  8. 本文介绍了对交流接触器按照UL认证标准,采用PLC进行过载耐久试验,提高了试验的可靠性和试验的自动化程度。

    This paper introduces the AC contactor overload endurance test with PLC according to UL authentication standard , and the reliability and automation extent are improved .

  9. 产品价格于2001年通过了ISO9002国际质量认证标准。

    It has got the quality attestation of ISO9002 international standard in2001 .

  10. ISO9000:2000族标准与JCI国际医院认证标准比较

    The comparison between ISO 9000:2000 family standards and JCI international hospital attestation standards

  11. SA8000(社会责任标准)是一项新的国际认证标准,并越来越可能成为企业进入国际市场的一个门槛。

    As a new international certification standard , SA8000 becomes more likely to be a threshold when an enterprise enters into the international market .

  12. 社会责任认证标准SA8000是SocialAccountabiIity8000的英文简称,是由西方国家制订的以劳动者权益为核心的标准。

    Social Accountability 8000 ( SA8000 ) is a standard set by western countries , aiming at protection of interests and rights of workers .

  13. ISO和CMM是两种不同的质量认证标准体系,而且又是一种改善软件质量的管理方法。

    The ISO and CMM are two different quality assurance systems , and they also provide a managment methodology to improve the software quality . They share a common concern for quality and process management .

  14. SA8000认证标准融合了国际劳工标准的核心内容,是国际劳工标准在全球推行的方式和现代生产守则运动的形式之一。

    Authentication criterion SA8000 , incorporating the core content of ILS , is the way ILS spread across the globe and one of the forms of modern production code .

  15. 分析归纳了国内外目前制定认证标准的4种方法:一般原则法、完整LCA法、简化定量LCA法、简化定性LCA法;

    This article analyzed the four methods both at home and abroad used to establish the certification standard : the general principle method , the complete LCA method , the simplified quantitative LCA method and the simplified qualitative LCA method ;

  16. 中国教育部考试中心于2003年引进美国CGFNS国际护士资格认证标准考试,标志着中国护理行业及护理教育与国际接轨已势在必行。

    In 2003 , the Chinese Ministry of Education introduced an international nursing standard examination of the qualifications & CGFNS . It means Chinese nursing profession and nursing education should be in line with the world .

  17. 作者指出:ISO9000:2000族标准与JCI国际医院认证标准均属管理体系的基础质量标准,并分析了两者在关注的侧重点、产品的内涵,以及突出行业特征上的差异。

    The authors point out , both ISO 9000:2000 family standards and JCI international hospital attestation standards are basic quality standards for managerial system , they also analyze the special emphasizes in the both standard systems , connotation of " product " and prominent differences in professional characteristics .

  18. 加强节水灌溉产品认证标准体系建设的研究

    Strengthen Research on Standards System of Product Certification for Water-Saving Irrigation

  19. 高职院校应逐步建立教师资格认证标准;

    Higher vocational schools should gradually build " teachers qualification identification standard ";

  20. 中国竹林经营认证标准及其影响因素研究

    Research on Standards of Bamboo Management Certification and Influencing Factors in China

  21. 建立供应链模式下供应商认证标准的意义

    The Significance of Establishing Attestation Criteria Under SCM Pattern for Evaluating Supplier

  22. 高职院校双师型教师认证标准体系研究

    Certification System of Double Qualification Program for Faculty in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 美国教师教育认证标准的发展历程及对我国的启示

    The Development of Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Education in America

  24. 关于网络教学过程认证标准的研究

    A Study on the E - learning Certification Standards

  25. 塔吉克斯坦急性弛缓性麻痹监测指标符合国家认证标准。

    AFP surveillance indicators in Tajikistan meet certification standards at the national level .

  26. 我国当前高职教育双师型教师认证标准评析

    Analysis of Double-Function Teachers Certificate Standards in Present Advanced Vocational Education in China

  27. 美国教育学院认证标准及其特点研究

    US Education College Accreditation Standards and Characteristics Study

  28. 聚焦ISO9001:2000&关于汽车行业认证标准转换的研讨

    Focusing on ISO9001:2000 : A Discussion about Changing the Certification Standard for Auto Industry

  29. 供应商的生产必须符合规定,并达到国际质量认证标准。

    Suppliers must conform to good manufacturing practices and to internationally recognized quality standards .

  30. 制定环境标志认证标准是实施环境标志的核心和难点。

    Establishing environment symbol certification standard is the core and difficulty of implementing environment symbol .