
  • 网络Legislation;Forms of Legislation
  1. 而双边投资保护协定(BIT)则是当今被应用最广的双边投资立法形式。

    And the agreement for promotion and protection of investment ( BIT ) is the most widely used form of bilateral investment legislation .

  2. 我国军事司法立法形式探析

    Reserch of the form on military judicial legislation in our country

  3. 试论我国商法立法形式的选择

    On the Choice of Legislative Form of Business Law in China

  4. 接着介绍了水权优先顺序的两种立法形式。

    Then , the article introduces two legislative forms of water-rights priorities order .

  5. 这是我国第一次以立法形式明确了公益信托的地位和概念。

    This is our first legislative form to the public trust and concepts .

  6. 从政策层面转到法律层面,以国家立法形式来实现税收优惠政策。

    The Preferential Tax Policy must be turned from policy aspect to legal aspect .

  7. 不少国家通过立法形式强化港口建设与发展。

    Quite a few countries have passed laws aiming at strengthening port construction and development .

  8. 运用法律手段,以立法形式规范师资流动;

    Make use of legal method , to standardize the flowing of teachers through legislation .

  9. 非洲习惯法立法形式

    Forms of legislation for African Customary Laws

  10. 在立法形式上,可先采用司法解释的形式,在部分法院试行。

    In the form of thelegislation , the judicial explanation can be tried firstly in some courts .

  11. 下篇是对我国经济犯罪将来立法形式的展望。

    Part 3 : a review of the outlook to our country economy crime future lawmaking form .

  12. 根据宪法规定,民众有权通过立法形式来改变政体。

    The people have the right to change their form of government by legal means defined in the Constitution itself .

  13. 我国现阶段的企业登记制度立法形式极为分散,这种立法体系逐渐显现出其不可避免的弱点。

    The legislative form of resignation system in our country is the scattering , such legislative system displays its unavoidable weakness .

  14. 排污口规范化设置及整治是总量控制的一项基础工作,需要通过立法形式加以固定化。

    Standardization installation and control of outlet , the foundation of total amount control , need to be stipulated in laws .

  15. 当下的三个民法典草案同样存在不重视立法形式的问题。

    The three protocol of Civil Code about the legislative form of stipulating-basic principles do not pay enough attention about this question .

  16. 养老保险是以国家立法形式强制征集社会保险费或税,形成社会统筹账户及个人账户。

    National legislation is mandatory pension insurance premiums or tax collecting society , the formation of social pooling accounts and personal accounts .

  17. 国会曾以名为《2004年美国迅速提升商业力量产生法案》的立法形式通过了最初的生物柴油税收激励措施。

    Congress passed the original biodiesel tax incentive as part of legislation known as the American JOBS Creation Act of2004.At that time , the U.

  18. 即在订立书面合同的基础上,以立法形式明确界定应收账款质押客体内涵和外延等合同内容,阻却因法律规定不明而产生的纠纷。

    It should clearly define the object connotation of the pledge of accounts receivable and extension by the form of legislation to prevent disputes .

  19. 行政伦理规范就是在行政管理领域中通过伦理立法形式确立的引导与制约行政主体行为的国家性规章制度。

    Administration ethics norms and regulations are stipulated to direct and regulate the conducts of administration substance in ethics legislation form within the administrative management domain .

  20. 地方教育立法形式多样,地方教育法规、规章之间的效力等级关系较为复杂。

    The aim of this article is to clarify the various formalities of the local legal system on edu-cation , and the relationship between their validities .

  21. 第四节对计算机网络犯罪的管辖权问题进行了探讨,建议以立法形式规定建立一支跨省市的网监队伍。

    In the fourth section , jurisdiction of computer network crimes is studied and suggestion is made to set up a cross-provincial network police force by legislation .

  22. 采取这种立法形式,有其深刻的社会背景、法律语言自身的特点和立法社会收益效果的原因。

    Take such legislative form , having its deep social background , characteristic of legal language and reason of the result of social income of the legislation .

  23. 而且,由于经济犯罪在立法形式较为普遍采用罪群式立法或例示式立法,因此对其在适用刑法解释方法时应特别强调体系解释方法的运用等。

    Furthermore , since the legislative mode of economic crimes is usually criminal group or example , the systematic method should be stressed when interpreting criminal law .

  24. 重法地法作为宋代的一项刑事特别法,无论在立法形式上还是法律内容上,都有很多独特之处。

    As one of special laws of criminal in Song Dynasty , severe law in special areas has its own features both in the form and content .

  25. 在立法形式上,提出借鉴国内外的成功实践,采用法典化立法模式,并增强立法修改程序的灵活性。

    In terms legislation , the thesis proposes the adoption of international and domestic best practices , codification legislation and calls for flexibility in the legislative amendment procedures .

  26. 在中国,2002年1月1日起施行的《国际海运条例》则首次以立法形式提出了无船承运人这个概念。

    In China , this conception was first established in the Regulation on International Marine Transportation of the P.R.C. , which was implemented since January 1st , 2002 .

  27. 民法基本原则的立法形式问题首先须解决民法应否规定基本原则的问题。

    The question about the legislative form of basic principles in Civil Law is based on the question that the Civil Law should stipulate the basic principles or not .

  28. 以立法形式提高法官工资待遇,法官在任期间的工资只能增加,不能减少。

    The judge 's wages should be raised by legislation , and the wages can be increased but never allowed to be decreased when the judge is in his position .

  29. 立法形式就立法形式而言,大陆合同法作为合同之独立立法,突显出在工商社会里合同之重要性与必要性,而且适用方便。

    Legislation formAs to legislative forms , Mainland contract law has an independent statute highlighted the importance and necessity of contract in commercial society , and is easy for application .

  30. 从宏观角度来说,中国和马来西亚《体育法》的立法形式、立法背景、立法框架、立法目的、涵盖范围都将成为本文的研究对象。

    In a macro perspective , the paper will be focusing on the legislature model , background , framework , purpose , and scope of sports laws in both countries .