
lì tǐ diàn yǐnɡ
  • stereoscopic film;three-dimensional film
  1. 立体电影被认为是有趣的。

    This stereoscopic film is thought of as interesting .

  2. 本文创造性地分析了3D立体电影影像空间形式的构造技术,提出了3D立体电影影像空间形式构造的技术特点。

    This paper analyzes the technology of the structure of the three-dimensional film image space form , which proposed a three-dimensional film image constructed technical characteristics of spatial form .

  3. 这副眼镜让你能看立体电影。

    These glasses allow you to see the film in three-D.

  4. 3D电视有别于传统立体电影:有了3D电视,观众就不需要戴上特制的眼镜。

    3D televisions are different from traditional3D movies.With3D TV , viewers won 't need to wear special glasses .

  5. 最近几年,已经出现了3D立体电影与电视的复兴。然而,为了获得3D效果,观众不得不佩戴特殊的眼镜。

    The last couple of years has seen a revival in3D movies and television . However , in order to get the3D effect , viewers have to wear special glasses .

  6. 最后,文章第四章从数字电影制作环节、放映和观看环节来介绍制作流程,关键技术,和一些电影设备使读者对数字3D立体电影有更理性认知。

    At last , the fourth chapter introduces the production process , key technologies and some film equipments of digital movies through procedures of production , screening and watching which enables readers to understand the digital 3D movies more rational .

  7. 《阿凡达》向我们完完全全地展示了立体电影能做什么。

    Avatar shows us exactly what stereoscopic cinema is capable of .

  8. 图像处理技术在大屏幕特种立体电影制作中的应用

    Application of Image Processing in the Special Large-screen 3-D Film Production

  9. 三维立体电影在过去几十年没有大变化。

    THREE-DIMENSIONAL moving pictures have not changed much over the decades .

  10. 三维时代:立体电影的第四次浪潮

    3D Age : the 4th Upsurge of Stereo Movie

  11. 立体电影必须用两个镜头拍摄而成。

    They have to shoot with two cameras .

  12. 如果你喜欢看立体电影,那么《魔鬼终结者续集》这部立体影片是绝对要看的。

    If you enjoy 3D experiences , Terminator 2 3D is an absolute must .

  13. 我们成为了一部立体电影取得成功的非常重要的元素。

    We have become a very important component in the success of a 3D movie .

  14. 他们在播放立体电影。

    They 're showing the film in three-D.

  15. 从2009年开始,公司将陆续对有潜力电影进行投资,这部立体电影就是一个开端。

    Beginning in2009 , the company will come to have the potential to invest in movies , this three-dimensional film is a start .

  16. 立体电影或视频的显示屏离观众的距离是一定的,所以没有焦距变化。

    The viewing screen of a stereo film or video is at a fixed distance from the viewer , so there is no focus change .

  17. 当然,电影制作人还要综合考虑拍摄立体电影增加的成本和这类电影未来增长的市场价值。

    However , filmmakers and studios will have to weigh the added cost of shooting in3-D against the increased marketing value for that type of film .

  18. 这座坐落在印度古老的穆斯林圣城的现代化酒店拥有一个可以播映立体电影的泳池。

    The Park Hyderabad , India This startlingly modern hotel in the city of ancient Muslim royalty boasts a pool intended to give a sense of swimming into a 3-D movie .

  19. 但即使排除立体技术和电影特效不顾,《少年派的奇幻漂流》从最简单纯粹的角度看也是一则非常动人的故事。

    But beyond the 3D technology and special effects , " life of Pi " is , pure and simply , good storytelling .

  20. 有鉴于此,本论文立足于2011年前的广西所有故事片,对广西电影进行系统整合研究,力图呈现一段清晰立体的广西电影风貌。

    In view of this , based on all the Guangxi films before 2011 , this thesis has made system integration for Guangxi film , and tried to show a clear three-dimensional Guangxi Film style .

  21. 逼真的立体人物;对新政府统治下的情况所做的逼真描述;他们拍摄三维立体电影。

    Lifelike three-dimensional characters ; a three-dimensional account of conditions under the new government ; they shot the movie in three-D.