
  • 网络Functional programming;function programming;Functional programing
  1. map(映射)和reduce(缩减)源自函数式编程中的函数名,但是这个应用程序的核心功能是数据缩减。

    Map and reduce are named after functions in functional programming but provide the core capability for data reduction .

  2. 是否应当将PHP作为函数式编程语言来使用?

    Should PHP be used as a functional programming language ?

  3. PHP的arrayfilter是函数式编程语言中高阶函数的一个例子。

    PHP 's array_filter is an example of what is know in functional programming as a higher-order function .

  4. 使用Python函数式编程进行空间回归分析

    Spatial Regression Analysis with Python 's Functional Programming

  5. Scala的case类及其内置支持的模式匹配模型代数类型在许多函数式编程语言中都被使用。

    Scala 's case classes and its built-in support for pattern matching model algebraic types used in many functional programming languages .

  6. Scala的能力与F不太一样,这是种面向对象与函数式编程集成的编程风格。

    Scala offers quite different capabilities , the integration of Object Oriented with the Functional programming style .

  7. Ross:我在学校里面花了四年时间来学习函数式编程的优雅。

    Ross : I spent four years in school learning the elegance of functional programming .

  8. 如果不采用Java语言,可利用闭包来获取与函数式编程接近的语义。

    If I am willing to leave the Java language for a moment , I can get semantically close to the functional programming ideal by using closures .

  9. 我编写了示例Java类,来使其更具功能性,然后开始进入其他主题,来区分函数式编程与传统命令式语言。

    I rewrote a simple Java class to make it more functional , then began delving into some topics that set functional programming apart from using traditional imperative languages .

  10. 您可能已经发现,Clojure是一种函数式编程语言。

    As you might guess , Clojure is a functional programming language .

  11. 随着函数式编程风格崭露头角,你们觉得这种这种范式是否会走进未来PHP的世界?

    With the emergence of the functional style of programming , do you see features from this paradigm going into some future of PHP ?

  12. MartinOdersky:Scala是一个简洁的,高生产力的编程语言,混合了面向对象和函数式编程的风格,并可以无缝地与Java程序代码集成。

    Martin Odersky : Scala is a concise , highly productive programming language that fuses Object Oriented and Functional styles while integrating with Java application code seamlessly .

  13. 面向对象的编程的替代方案是函数式编程,并且Python提供了用于进行函数式以及面向对象和过程式编程的资源。

    One alternate to object-oriented programming is functional programming , and Python offers resources to program in a functional style , as well as object oriented and procedural .

  14. 但是,有这样的场景,函数式编程概念应用程序可适用于PHP应用程序,其结果是代码变得更简单、更简洁、更易于理解。

    But there are scenarios where the application of functional programming concepts can be applied to PHP applications , resulting in code that is simpler , more concise , and easier to understand .

  15. 在函数式编程中,lambdas被称为一流的函数因为它们能够

    In functional programming , lambdas are referred to as first-class functions because they can be

  16. 我开始想知道面向对象编程到底是什么,而且我认为Erlang不是面向对象的,它是函数式编程语言。

    I started wondering about what object oriented programming was and I thought Erlang wasn 't object oriented , it was a functional programming language .

  17. 利用Clojure的函数式编程工具来实现访问者模式是消除这种附带的复杂性的一种方法,而且仍然是在JVM上编程。

    Leveraging Clojure 's functional programming tools to implement the Visitor pattern is one way to get around this incidental complexity , while still programming on the JVM .

  18. 访问SjoerdVisscher的BeyondJS库,它提供了远远超过我在这里提及的用于函数式编程的工具。

    Visit Sjoerd Visscher 's Beyond JS library , which offers far more tools for doing functional programming than I 've presented here .

  19. 听到Futures现在是一元的消息,函数式编程开发者会很高兴,并且还有map和flatMap方法,让他们可以使用Scala的for语法(据文档所说)

    Functional programmers will be happy to hear that Futures are Monads now , complete with map and flatMap methods which allow to use Scala 's for comprehensions ( from the docs )

  20. 称作Haskell的函数式编程语言展示了一个用于符号数学的程序,名为DoCon。

    The functional programming language known as Haskell features a program for symbolic mathematics known as DoCon .

  21. PHP5.3中闭包的概念就是来源于函数式编程的世界里。

    Closures , which are present in PHP5.3 come from the world of functional programming .

  22. 它具有OCaml常见的核心语言功能,以及其他流行的函数式编程语言的一些特性,并从很多其他编程语言获取了一些思想,包括Haskell、Erlang和C。

    It shares a common core language with OCaml , another popular functional programming language , and draws ideas from many other programming languages , including Haskell , Erlang , and C # .

  23. 在函数式编程中,解决遍历和修改树的问题的一种知名的解决方法就是zippers(zipper),因GérardHuet(参见参考资料)的描述而闻名于世。

    A well-known solution to the problem of traversing and modifying a tree in functional programming is the zipper , most famously described by G é rard Huet ( see Resources ) .

  24. 为了开发一个精确的方式来表示金融文件,LexiFi开创了在金融软件系统中函数式编程的运用。

    LexiFi has pioneered the use of functional programming in finance in order to develop a rigorous formalism for representing financial instruments .

  25. 这是函数式编程语言中常见的一个强大特性。

    This is a powerful feature common in functional programming languages .

  26. 函数式编程扩展了该任务、包括更具体的细节。

    Functional programming is expanding that mandate , encompassing more-specific details .

  27. 你顺带还会学到一星半点函数式编程的知识。

    You may also learn a thing or two about functional programming .

  28. 从那以后,我学会了利用列表和函数式编程。

    Since then , I 've learned to embrace lists and functional programming .

  29. 我们曾经经过函数式编程的年代吗?

    Are we entering the age of functional programming ?

  30. 现在,世界上许多计算机科学专业教授函数式编程语言。

    Many computer science departments around the world teach functional programming languages today .