
  • 网络declarative programming
  1. 基于规则引擎的JAVA声明式编程

    Rule Engine-based Java declarative programming

  2. Drools使得学习和使用声明式编程对于Java开发人员来说相当容易。

    And as you 've seen , Drools makes learning and using declarative programming quite easy for Java developers .

  3. 还有其他许多的示例都说明了使用DojoToolkit的声明式编程表单如何能用在J2EE应用程序内。

    There are numerous other examples of how declarative forms of programming using the Dojo Toolkit can be used within a J2EE application .

  4. 首先,声明式编程询问用户他们想要做什么事。

    First declarative programming asks the user what they want to do .

  5. 表1显示了几种常见的命令式或声明式编程语言。

    Table 1 shows several common programming languages categorized as either imperative or declarative .

  6. 可以使用领域特有的子语言进行声明式编程,如果这种子语言不能完全满足需要,那么仍然能够转回特性全面的编程语言。

    You can program declaratively , using domain-specific sub-languages , but still revert to your full-featured programming language if the sub-language does not meet your needs fully .

  7. 声明式编程风格常常产生更简洁,可读性更好的代码;手动增加的循环变量常常是不需要得;当一个序列必须被枚举时,使用。

    A declarative programming style usually produces more compact , readable code ; manually-incremented loop variables are usually unnecessary ; when a sequence must be enumerated , use enumerate () .

  8. 保持现有JavaEE声明式和编程式授权处于完好无缺和可操作状态。

    Leave existing Java EE declarative and programmatic authorization intact and operational .

  9. Dojo支持两种编程模型:声明式和编程式。

    Dojo supports two programming models , declarative and programmatic .

  10. 即使这样,仅使用JavaEE声明式和编程式授权以可维护方式实现此模型也非常困难。

    Even so , it would be very difficult to implement this model in a maintainable way using only Java EE declarative and programmatic authorization .

  11. 为了解决使用Struts进行Web开发中的异常处理和安全控制这2个关键问题,综合采用了声明式和编程式2种方法,并且分别给出了典型的应用范围。

    In order to deal with exception handling and access control in Struts-based Web applications development , both declarative method and programmatic method are used and their applying ranges are provided .

  12. 声明式的编程(例如规定什么)代表规则的选择模型:根据规则取值为true还是false,有些东西得以触发(例如动作)。

    Declarative programming ( i.e. , prescribing the what ) represents the paradigm of choice for rules : something gets triggered ( i.e. , an action ) based on whether a rule evaluates to true or false .

  13. 针对web容器以及EJB容器的JEE声明式和编程安全性已在其他资料中加以介绍,因此不会作为本文的重点。

    JEE declarative and programmatic security for the Web container as well as the EJB container is covered in other materials , and are not the focus of this article .

  14. 第一个就是我们所看到的更加声明式的编程风格。

    The first one being this move that we see toward more declarative styles of programming .

  15. 注意,JEE安全模型对Web容器和EJB容器支持声明式安全授权以及编程安全性。

    Note that the JEE security model supports declarative security authorization as well as programmatic security for both Web containers and EJB containers .

  16. 分析人员需要了解最初的声明式授权、通过编程形式授权的扩展和二者的交互。

    An analyst will need to understand the initial declarative authorization , the extensions by programmatic authorization , and the interaction of the two .