
  • 网络Cubic decimeter;cubic decimetre;Cubic dm
  1. 虽然1立方分米的锝块释放出的辐射剂量不会使你丧命,但剂量还是非常大的。

    The dose from a 1-liter cube of the metal wouldn 't be enough to be lethal in our experiment , but it 's still substantial .

  2. 硬盘行业每年能够生产约6.5亿块硬盘,如果它们之中绝大部分是3.5英寸硬盘的话,那么每秒生产出来的硬盘的体积为8立方分米。

    The storage industry produces in the neighborhood of 650 million hard drives per year . If most of them are 3.5-inch drives , that 's 8 liters ( 2 gallons ) of hard drive per second .