
  1. 本研究的最主要成果是由研究者编制的符合各方面测量学要求的中学生学习动机缺失量表,国内目前尚无同类量表。

    The main results of this study is the " lack of motivation scale for middle school students ", which compliance with the requirements of a good scale . There is no similar domestic scale .

  2. 同类几何量中彼此之间并非都是可通约的。

    Not all geometrical magnitudes of the same kind are commensurable with one another .

  3. 本公司所经营的“奇特乐”品牌是国内同类产品出口量最大的企业之一。

    The products are measure and verifies by the authoritative organization * Quality can compare favourably with the advanced toy manufacturer of the world .

  4. 我市玻璃纤维出口已名列全国前三强,占全国同类产品出口量的16%,仅次于浙江、山东。

    The city of glass fiber exports have ranked the top three nationwide , and similar products accounting for16 percent of exports , second only to Zhejiang , Shandong .

  5. 分析与仿真结果表明,该算法不仅比同类算法计算量小、具有更好的搜索性能,而且无须任何先验知识,实现了真正的自适应搜索。

    The simulation and analysis results show that , compared with similar algorithms , it not only has advantages of less computational magnitude and better validity , but also needs none transcendental knowledge , so it realizes completely adaptive searching .

  6. 6-10月的非点源COD、氨氮、总N、总P污染负荷入河量分别占全年非点源同类污染物入河量的54.66%、44.52%、73.26%、50.28%。

    6 ~ 10 months of non-point sources of COD , ammonia nitrogen , TN , TP amount of pollution load into the river throughout the year accounted for non-point source pollutants into the river separated by 54.66 % , 44.52 % , 73.26 % , 50.28 % .

  7. 文章旨在为同类工程现场监控量测的方案设计、分析方法和隧道的安全施工提供借鉴和参考。

    The paper aims at providing guidance to the design of monitoring scheme and construction of similar projects .

  8. 该模型具有较好的适应性,并可在今后若干个离散的时间点上预估同类林分的收获量,为研究在固定样地上两期林分自然生长规律提供较科学的理论和方法。

    The simultaneous models were well adaptive to estimate discrete data of stand yield and could describe the natural stand growth theoretically .

  9. 2017年最具着装影响力的夏洛特公主,今年排在第三。在梅根与哈里婚礼上充当伴娘时,夏洛特头戴的花冠,使得易趣同类产品的搜索量增加了60%。

    Princess Charlotte , who was top in 2017 , came third , with the flower crown she wore as a bridesmaid at Meghan and Harry 's wedding prompting a 60 percent increase in searches for similar products on eBay .