
tóng xué
  • classmate;schoolmate;fellow student;be in the same school;comrade;a form of address used in speaking to a student;be a schoolmate of sb
同学 [tóng xué]
  • (1) [schoolmate;fellow student]∶在同一所学校学习的人

  • 同学不同班

  • 甲乙同学。--清. 周容《芋老人传》

  • (2) [comrade; a form of address used in speaking to a student]∶对在校学生的通称

  • 张颖同学你来表演

同学[tóng xué]
  1. 我被一位同学的淡定眼神刺激并吓坏,他是Dalton或者Exeter高中的名校生,

    I was alarmed and intimidated by the calm eyes of a fellow student who came here from Dalton or Exeter

  2. 和同学讨论讨论你的经历。

    Discuss your experiencees with a fellow student .

  3. 她遇见几个老同学。

    She met up with some of her old school friends .

  4. 班上每个同学都有能力通过这次考试。

    Every student in the class is capable of passing the exam .

  5. 是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢?

    What was it that distinguished her from her classmates ?

  6. 今天早上我们好像有几位同学没到。

    We seem to be missing some students this morning .

  7. 他为其他同学树立了榜样。

    He sets an example to the other students .

  8. 天才出众的孩子可能觉得与班上的同学格格不入。

    Very talented children may feel alienated from the others in their class .

  9. 好啦,同学们,翻到第20页。

    All right class , turn to page 20 .

  10. 她和我在大学是同学。

    She and I were contemporaries at college .

  11. 我在大学与几个同学建立了牢固的友谊。

    I formed several lasting friendships at college .

  12. 我喜欢和同学来往。

    I enjoy socializing with the other students .

  13. 以前我们同学时,我并不太喜欢他。

    I didn 't use to like him much when we were at school .

  14. 每一位同学的学习情况都受到密切的关注。

    Each student 's progress is closely monitored .

  15. 他的出名主要是因为他曾经是首相的中学同学。

    His main claim to fame is that he went to school with the Prime Minister .

  16. 说大多数同学从未完整读过一部莎士比亚戏剧一点也不夸张。

    It 's no exaggeration to say that most students have never read a complete Shakespeare play .

  17. 他意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。

    He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense

  18. 西点军校的同学们曾挖苦地戏称他为“美人”。

    Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty .

  19. 我跟一个老同学一起度过了那个夜晚。

    I spent the evening with an old school friend .

  20. 学校的老师们很喜欢他,但同学们对他并不待见。

    He was a favorite with his schoolmasters but not his schoolmates .

  21. 我和一个要好的同学合住一套房子。

    I shared a house with a close friend from school

  22. 她觉得自己就像一个告发了同班同学的五年级学生。

    She felt like a fifth-grader who had snitched on a classmate .

  23. 我们看着同学们悠闲地走进了大楼。

    We watched our fellow students saunter into the building

  24. 他的同学们发现他太爱奉承了。

    His fellow students had found him too ingratiating .

  25. 每个人都认识一些利用老同学关系向上爬的人。

    Everyone knows people who have wormed their way up on old school connections .

  26. 她的新同学不会拉丁语。

    Her new classmates knew no Latin .

  27. 他和一个同学创办了那份杂志。

    He started the magazine with a schoolmate

  28. 这两个耶鲁大学57届毕业生每次同学聚会都参加。

    These two members of Yale 's Class of ' 57 never miss a reunion .

  29. 说起来我们还是老同学。

    As a matter of fact , we are schoolmates .

  30. 我要去看望我的一位老同学。

    I 'm going to call on one of my former classmates .