
tónɡ chái
  • Peer;people of the same generation
同侪 [tóng chái]
  • [same generation] 辈份相同的人

  1. 你刚刚经历了一种通常被称为同侪压力(又称同侪影响)的现象。

    You have just experienced what is commonly referred to as peer pressure , also called peer influence .

  2. 学术期刊之退稿率向来为学术界采具同侪评阅(PeerReview)要求下,所并随产生与要求呈具的资料。它通常亦被用作证明期刊品质控制良窳之标准之一。

    The rejection rate of scholarly journals has usually been used and accompanied with the evidence of peer review for the quality control .

  3. 该系统自动转换的源文件到一个单独的PDF文件的文章,这是用于同侪审查进程。

    The system automatically converts source files to a single PDF file of the article , which is used in the peer-review process .

  4. 看起来,纵向信任已被横向信任所取代,公众通过facebook、google+、twitter或linkedin向同侪寻求建议。

    Vertical trust , it seems , has been replaced by a horizontal slant , as the public turns to their peer group for advice , via Facebook , Google + , Twitter or LinkedIn .

  5. 此外,袋子上的每一个细节都经由专门设计与思考,无疑为COBO营造了傲视同侪的优越性。

    Furthermore , every detail on the bags is specially designed and pondered which amplifies COBO 's superiority .

  6. 这个研究的最初的目的是研究同侪压力能在多大程度上影响青少年的决定,这也就是为什么Berns的团队选择那些研究对象们以前不太可能听到的歌曲的原因。

    The initial intention was to study how much peer pressure influences teenagers ' decisions - which is why Berns ' team chose music their subjects were unlikely to have heard before .

  7. 被同侪接受对他来说很重要。

    Being accepted by his peers is very important to him .

  8. 他们是同侪中的佼佼�

    Known as some of the best in the business .

  9. 社会-情意学习策略:例如,同侪合作、澄清疑问。

    Social-affective Learning Strategies : e.g. , cooperation , question for clarification .

  10. 你完成了何种类型的培训,同侪都有哪些人?

    What kind of trainings have you done , and with whom ?

  11. 因此同侪语言对语文课堂教学意义重大。

    Therefore , peer language takes significant impact to Chinese teaching in class .

  12. 同侪压力对大学生余暇体育锻炼行为影响的研究

    On the Peer Pressures Influence Extracurricular Physical Exercise Behavior of Chinese College Students

  13. 同侪评审需要深化为同侪压力。

    Peer review will need to be peer pressure .

  14. 请注意,读者来函没有技术的评论对同侪审查的研究论文。

    Note that Correspondence pieces are not technical comments on peer-reviewed research papers .

  15. 平时多留心,不要让朋友或同侪使你看上去状态不佳。

    Be careful not to let friends or peers make you look bad .

  16. 但是,这些数据都没有在公布的同侪审查的文献。

    However , these data are not available in the published peer-reviewed literature .

  17. 这些同侪的评论会随著打分后的报告送回给每位学生。

    The peer critiques will be returned with the graded proposals to each student .

  18. 他们的搜寻范围可能远远超过同侪,而且要付出更高代价。

    Their searches can stretch long past those of peers and be more costly .

  19. 法国在出口市场份额方面的损失大于同侪。

    The country has suffered bigger losses in export market share than its peers .

  20. 她受到同侪的尊敬。

    She enjoys the respect of her peers .

  21. 同侪校阅在写作教学中的积极作用得到了普遍认可。

    The positive function of peer review in teaching foreign language writing is well recognized .

  22. 有些人则被同侪压力所驾驭,总是担心别人会怎么想。

    Others are driven by peer pressure , always worried by what others might think .

  23. 他受到同侪的钦佩。

    He was admired by his peers .

  24. 只有同侪压力、公众的责难以及对失去影响力的恐惧,才能让各国领导人的内心产生震撼。

    Only peer pressure , opprobrium and fear of losing influence will shake leaders up .

  25. 期末论文长度控制在15到20页之内,达到能够在同侪评论期刊上发表的水平。

    The assignments culminate in a15-to20-page final paper of publishable quality in a peer-reviewed journal .

  26. 本专题的第二部分是分组的同侪审查。学期的中间你们将会组成4-5个学生的小组。

    The second component of the term project is a team peer critique of the projects .

  27. 其次,它将会使我能够测试对抗我的同侪我知觉。

    Second , it will enable me to test my perceptions against those of my peers .

  28. 这些同侪谈判分析将会在课程结束后全数发还给各位。

    These pages will be sent to all of you after the end of the course .

  29. 而我应该要把时间投资在发展我跟男性前辈与同侪的关系。

    and that I should instead invest my time developing my relationships with male seniors and peers .

  30. 你的同侪就有机会从你的问题中学到一些东西也可帮助你解决问题。

    Your colleague then has the opportunity to learn from your question as well as help you .