
huāng nián
  • famine year;year of bad harvest
荒年 [huāng nián]
  • [famine year;year of bad harvest] 农业欠收之年

荒年[huāng nián]
  1. 我们必须储备一些粮食,以备荒年之用。

    We must put aside something for the lean year .

  2. 遇上荒年,农作物普遍歉收。

    In the lean years , crop failures are common .

  3. 丰年五谷贱如草,荒年稻草贵如粮。

    In good years corn is hay , in ill years straw is corn .

  4. 在突然发生的非常大荒年,情形正相反。

    The contrary of this happens in a year of sudden and extraordinary scarcity .

  5. 对荒年募兵等学界存在争论的问题,本文也进行了探讨。

    The article also discussed the argumentative question of the conscription in the lean years .

  6. 在地产繁荣的好年景里,政府大肆挥霍,却没有为“荒年”做任何准备。

    Authorities splurged in the good years of the housing bubble , but did nothing to prepare for leaner times .

  7. 现在不但埃及,甚至所有埃及附近的地方也都进入了荒年。

    Now not only Egypt is entering the time of famine , but also all every country round about Egypt .

  8. 作为埃及的王子,在过去的七年内,约瑟聪明地准备埃及迎接将要到来的荒年。

    As the prince of Egypt , Joseph has worked wisely for the last 7 years to prepare Egypt for the coming famine .

  9. 这样,官府就可以把多余的粮食储存起来,以备荒年和收成欠佳时赈灾所用。

    In this way , the government was able to store surplus food and distribute it in times of famine or bad harvest .

  10. 丰年五谷贱如草,荒年稻草贵如粮缺粮范围不断扩大,饥荒在蔓延。

    " In good years corn is hay , in ill years straw is corn " Food deficits were widening and famine was unfolding .

  11. 你还记得荒年是什么意思吗?就是在那个时候没有东西可吃。

    Do you remember what we said the word " famine " meant ? It 's a time when there is very little food .

  12. 遇到荒年灾月,她带领官人吃粗劣的菜饭,以此来体察民间疾苦。

    In time of famine , she led the officials to have coarse meals so as to feel and experience the suffering of her people .

  13. 他研究了中国历代的荒年,甚至仔细研究了111次蝗灾的具体情况。

    He studied the lean years in the Chinese history , even delving into the concrete situations of the ill locust plagues which ever happened in China .

  14. 《创世纪》曾警告,在七个丰年之后,随后又要迎来七个荒年,全地必被饥荒所灭。

    Genesis warns that after seven years of plenty , seven years of famine will come   .   .   .   and the famine will ravage the land .

  15. 食则最重要的是菜蔬,主要是指采集而得的野菜,这既为先民日常所食用,也是饥民赖以活命度过荒年的依靠。

    The most important food is the vegetables , mainly refers to the collection from wild plants , which is hungry stay alive rely on spent the years of famine .

  16. 谷物谷草果实的总称,尤指已收割后的丰年五谷贱如草,荒年稻草贵如粮

    The fruits of cereal grasses especially after having been harvested , considered as a group . " In good years corn is hay , in ill years straw is corn "

  17. 随后又要来七个荒年,甚至埃及地都忘了先前的丰收,全地必被饥荒所灭。

    And there shall arise after them seven years of famine ; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt ; and the famine shall consume the land ;

  18. 华北荒年期间,农民为了借粮度过春荒,必须拿地作抵押,两三年内无力赎回就完了。

    In the famine periods in North China , peasants who had to give land as security for grain borrowed during the spring , within a space of two or three years would lose everything .

  19. 那随后上来的七只又干瘦又丑陋的母牛是七年,那七个虚空、被东风吹焦的穗子也是七年,都是七个荒年。

    The seven lean , ugly cows that came up afterward are seven years , and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind : they are seven years of famine .

  20. 所积蓄的粮食可以防备埃及地将来的七个荒年,免得这地被饥荒所灭。

    And let that food be kept in store for the land till the seven bad years which are to come in Egypt ; so that the land may not come to destruction through need of food .