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  • Norman Conquest
  1. 诺曼征服之后,这片森林成为了皇家狩猎区。

    After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve

  2. 1066年的诺曼征服也许是英国历史上的最著名事件。

    The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history .

  3. 本文的选题是从诺曼征服到光荣革命时期的英国财税法历史。

    The thesis select the history from the conquest of Norman to glorious revolution .

  4. 威廉一世登基英国国王,正式完成了伟大的诺曼征服。

    William I was crowned king of england , formally completing the Norman conquest .

  5. 其祖先在诺曼征服时期来到英国的家族。

    Families whose ancestors came to Britain at the time of the Norman conquest .

  6. 随着1066年的诺曼征服,诺曼人的势力也随之进入了威尔士。

    With the Norman Conquest in the 1066 , the Normans came into Wales .

  7. 诺曼征服后,威廉一世采取一系列措施巩固和加强封建王权在英格兰的统治。

    After the conquer of Norman , William ⅰ strengthened the rule of the kingship .

  8. 诺曼征服(公元1066年)

    V.The Norman Conquest ( 1066 )

  9. 诺曼征服后,上层阶级说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。

    After the Norman conquest , upper class people spoke French while common people spoke english .

  10. 南意大利的诺曼征服

    Norman Conquest in South Italy

  11. 自1066年“诺曼征服(指1066年法国诺曼底公爵威廉对英格兰的入侵和征服-译者注)”以来,英格兰与法兰西的关系以恐惧与敌对并存为特征。

    THE relationship between England and France has been marked by fear and rivalry since the Norman conquest in1066 .

  12. 但它受其他语言的影响很大,在诺曼征服之后特别是受法语影响很大。

    However it has been very greatly influenced by other languages , particularly , following the Norman conquest , by French .

  13. 关于诺曼征服对英语发展的影响这一问题,学术界已经有所涉及。

    As for the influence of the Norman conquest to the development of the English , the academic circles has already involved .

  14. 普通法中有关土地财产权的部分,是在诺曼征服之后,在封建制基础上发展起来的。

    The common law governing property interests in land was developed after the Norman Conquest upon the base of the feudal system .

  15. 而1066年发生的诺曼征服,在英国历史上具有重要意义,它预示着盎格鲁-撒克逊时期的结束和中世纪的开端。

    The Norman Conquest in1066is an important day which indicate the end of the Anglo-Saxon and the beginning of the middle ages .

  16. 普通法和衡平法区别发展的历史始于诺曼征服之后的法律制度的发展。

    The history of the distinction between law and equity begins in the developing system of law that followed the Norman conquest of England .

  17. 第一部分,英国财税法史的历史基础。该部分的内容主要围绕盎格鲁-萨克逊时期财税制度和诺曼征服后建立的封建税制基础而展开。

    This part focused on the financial and tax system in the Anglo-Saxon time and feudal taxation established after the Norman conquest of England .

  18. 本文试图在诺曼征服这个历史大背景下,探讨法语对英语的影响。

    Under the historical background , this article tries to explore the impact of French to the English from the angle of the social historical culture .

  19. 1066年,在法国诺曼底住了IO0多年而法国化了的北欧人入侵英国,这叫做诺曼征服。

    The Norman Conquest happened in 1066 , when Norsemen who had lived for more than a hundred years in Normandy and had been Frenchified invaded England .

  20. 诺曼征服后的许多世纪的历程中,如我们已经看到的,英格兰与大陆的联系被打断了。

    In the course of the centuries following the Norman Conquest the connection of England with the continent , as we have seen , had been broken .

  21. 第一章以古罗马、古日耳曼和诺曼征服前英国为考察对象,剖析弹劾式诉讼形成的背景与原因。

    Chapter one analyses the circumstances and the reasons leading to the formation of adversary system in the ancient Rome , ancient Germanic and the England before the Norman Conquest .

  22. 英国中世纪是从诺曼征服到英国资产阶级革命的爆发这段时期,在一时期英国经历了巨大变化,奠定了现代国家的基础。

    Medieval England is from Norman Conquest to the Outbreak of Capitalism Revolution of England . During the time , England had experienced great changes , also founded a modern England .

  23. 诺曼征服后所确立的封建制度的实质即是在封君和封臣之间建立起一种契约关系,而双方的税收征纳关系则是该契约的重要内容。

    The spirit of feudal system formed after the Conquest was the contract relationship between the seigneurs and vassals , of which the taxation relationship between them was the important part .

  24. 产生于盎格鲁-萨克逊时期的国库,诺曼征服后从王廷中分离出来,成为重要的中央管理机构,在财税管理体制中发挥着重要的作用。

    The treasury started in Anglo-Saxon time departed from the royal family and become an important central administrative institution , which took an important part in the financial and tax administrative system .

  25. 诺曼征服以前,英国的贵族会议被称作贤人会议,它在税收、立法、选举国王等重要问题上拥有较大权力,有力地限制了王权。诺曼征服以后,贵族大会议取代了贤人会议。

    Before the Norman Conquest , the council of baron was addressed in the Witenagemot , which has greater authority over the significant problems such as taxation , legislation and throne election .

  26. 1066年诺曼征服之后,威廉在英国建立了强大的王权,在此基础上,他将西欧大陆的土地保有制度引入英格兰。

    After Norman conquered in 1066 , William set up strong royal power in Britain , on this basis , he take the Tenure which is from the West European to England .

  27. 诺曼征服之后,英国庄园制经济得到迅速发展,并于13世纪臻于极盛,但14、15世纪之后便渐趋式微,并在16世纪最终瓦解。

    The manorial economy developed rapidly in England after Norman Conquest , prospered in the 13th century , then declined in the 14th and 15th century and ultimately collapsed in the 16th century .

  28. 但在诺曼征服后,英格兰建立起了欧洲大陆所没有的统一国家,在国家的范围内开始发展经济,建立城市。

    After Norman the conqueror , however , an integrated country which was absent from the European continent was established in England , and the economy gained development and cities were established nationwide .

  29. 而诺曼征服后所建立的区别于欧洲大陆的封建制度,则为英国财税法的发展奠定了国家制度基础。

    Feudal system established after the Conquest , which was distinguished from that on the European continent , laid the foundation of the national system for the development of British financial and tax law .

  30. 诺曼征服-诺曼底公爵威廉(后来的威廉一世)对英格兰的军事征服,主要通过哈斯丁斯战役战胜了哈罗德二世。

    Norman Conquest - ( 1066 ) Military conquest of England by William , duke of Normandy ( later William I ), mainly through his victory over Harold II at the Battle of Hastings .