
  • 网络norwalk;Norovirus;Norwalk virus
  1. 先前发现与B12最高水平相关的基因变异可以保护胃免受诺沃克病毒的感染,和幽门螺旋杆菌引起的溃疡。

    The gene variant associated with the highest B12 levels has previously been determined to protect the stomach from infection by the Norwalk virus and ulcer-causing H.pylori bacterium .

  2. 诺沃克病毒流行现状及预防措施

    The Present Epidemic Status and Preventive Measure of Norwalk Virus

  3. 方法收集该次腹泻患者及相关人员的粪便标本15份,采用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)和实时荧光PCR方法检测诺沃克病毒核糖核酸(RNA)。

    Methods 15 stool samples from diarrhea patients and related people were collected , and RT-PCR and real-time PCR were used to detect the virus RNA .

  4. 结果15份标本中,RT-PCR及实时荧光PCR方法均检测出10例诺沃克病毒阳性,阳性率为66.7%;2种方法的符合率为100%。

    Results 10 out of 15 samples had been confirmed for tested positive ( 66.7 % ), the coincidence rate between of the two methods was 100 % .

  5. 方法:采集2004年10月~2005年2月深圳市腹泻患儿粪便244份,采用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法分别检测轮状病毒和诺沃克病毒。

    Methods : The stool samples of 244 children with diarrhea were collected and the rotavirus and norwalk-like virus were determined by reverse transcription-polymerase reaction ( RT-PCR ) .

  6. 结论该次群体性胃肠炎是由诺沃克病毒G2型感染引起;10份阳性标本中9株的核苷酸同源性为100%,另外1株与其他9株的同源性为99.8%;

    Conclusion The outbreak was caused by Norwalk-like virus G2 type , and 9 out of 10 cases was 100 % homological , and the 1 left is 99.8 % homological to the others .

  7. 用8对引物对诺沃克病毒进行检测研究,发现GII-SKF/GII-SKR引物检测GII型病毒特异性强且灵敏度高。

    Four GII Norovirus strains were detected by eight primer sets , and it was found that GII-SKF / GII-SKR was highly sensitive and specific .

  8. 在康涅狄格州的诺沃克市他向妈妈求婚

    and he asked her to marry him in Norwalk , Connecticut .

  9. 之后,他前往加利福尼亚州的诺沃克开设了自己的诊所。

    Then he went on to have his own clinics in Norwalk California .

  10. 诺沃克样病毒广州地区分子流行病学分析

    Molecular epidemiologic analysis of Norwalk-like virus in Guangzhou area

  11. 广州市一起群体性诺沃克病毒性胃肠炎调查分析

    Survey on an incidence of collective acute gastroenteritis caused by Norwalk virus in Guangzhou

  12. 卡罗:那是在诺沃克的什么地方?

    Carol : Where in Norwalk is that ?

  13. 轮状病毒和诺沃克病毒的感染率有显著性差异;

    There was significant difference between the infection rates of rotavirus and norwalk-like virus .

  14. 诺沃克类病毒也称为小圆结构病毒,并归类为杯状病毒成员。

    NVs are also called small round-structured viruses ( SRSVs ) and members of the family Caliciviridae .

  15. 2004~2005年深圳市婴幼儿腹泻中轮状病毒及诺沃克病毒的感染分析

    Analysis of status of rotavirus and norwalk-like virus infection among infants in Shenzhen from 2004 to 2005

  16. 为此,就诺沃克病毒的病原学、流行病学、临床表现、诊断治疗和预防等方面做一综述。

    This article introduces the pathogeny , epidemiology , clinical , diagnosis , treatment and prevention of Norwalk Virus briefly .

  17. 诺沃克类病毒是引起急性非细菌性胃肠炎暴发的病原之一,常通过污染的食物和水而传播。

    Norwalk viruses ( NVs ) cause outbreaks of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis and spread frequently through contaminated foods or water .

  18. 诺沃克类病毒多在餐厅、护理中心、医院、学校、旅游等地爆发流行。

    Outbreaks of NVs gastroenteritis most commonly occur in restaurants , nursing homes , hospitals , schools and in touring sites .

  19. 诺瓦克和诺沃克类病毒可经水传播和人与人之间的接触传播,食品也是一个传播方式。

    Although food is an efficient means of transmitting these agents , Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses can be transmitted via water and by person-to-person contact .

  20. 诺沃克病毒感染率为12.70%(31/244),其中男性感染率为15.65%,女性感染率为8.24%;

    The infection rate of norwalk-like virus was 12.70 % ( 31 / 244 ) with 15.65 % in male and 8.24 % in female , respectively .