
  • 网络colchester;Colchester United;Colchester, UK
  1. 我们走到伊普斯威奇,然后坐火车到科尔切斯特。

    We walked to Ipswich and got the train to colchester .

  2. 或许就是那次,原子弹给投到了科尔切斯特。

    Perhaps it was the time when the atomic bomb had fallen on Colchester .

  3. 你来早了一小时,他说,一面拿起家里的电话,他家住在伦敦附近的科尔切斯特。

    " You 're an hour early ," he says , picking up the phone at home in Colchester , near London .

  4. 毕业后,她搬到了科尔切斯特,在当地一家塑料公司工作,随后加入了当地保守党组织。

    After graduating she moved to Colchester where she worked for a plastics company and became involved with the local Conservative Party organisation .

  5. 科尔切斯特动物园的一群山魈(猴科)也用相似的动作来表达逃避社交或独处的欲望。

    A group of mandrills at the Colchester Zoo has adopted a similar gesture to signal the desire to avoid social interaction or to be left alone .