
gǔ lái
  • Ancient times;since time immemorial
古来 [gǔ lái]
  • [since time immemorial] 自古以来

  • 古来如此

  • 古来圣贤皆寂寞,唯有饮者留其名。--唐. 李白《将进酒》

  • 试问古来几曾见破镜能重圆。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

古来[gǔ lái]
  1. 然而,我们必须承认,他的最新作品纪念大卫,金正日Vostro成就萨拉一诺斯特罗,并古来斯也赞不绝口尼科的秘密纹身颜料我们!

    However , we have to admit that his latest works Souvenir David , Il vostro sar à il nostro , and Kouros have wowed us with Nico 's secret tattoo pigments !

  2. 这种绿化模式古来有之,今天我们重新对其整合改进使之系统化。

    Today we re-improve and integrate vertical greening to make it systematic .

  3. 古来征战几人回?

    How many soldiers ever come back home ?

  4. 中央银行并不是古来有之。

    Central banks have not always existed .

  5. 他们必须隐蔽起来直到古来氏人不再找他们。

    They had to hide until the men of Quraish gave up looking for them .

  6. 在中外美学史上,对灵感的研究古来有之。

    On the Chinese and Foreign esthetics history , many people have researched into inspiration .

  7. 军旅诗古来有之,但获得概念认证是在当代。

    Military Poems in there , but to obtain certification is a concept in contemporary .

  8. 这种对家庭的依恋之情古来有之,代代相传。

    This sentimentality toward home is something that has come down to us from the past .

  9. 十多年前,就有逻辑学家提出这个问题,也有人提出中国古来就没有哲学!

    It was put forward a decade ago as well as another argument that China had no philosophy .

  10. 古来抚顺就是一个商贾重镇,现今的抚顺商业更加发达。

    Fushun has been an important commercial city since ancient times , and now it is flourishing ever before .

  11. 孔子说得幽默含蓄&“人生七十古来稀”,这实在是人生临近死亡的暗示。

    Confucius say subtle humor - " life rarely live to70 ," This is an indication of life near death .

  12. 对于这些难题,古来多少思想家都在论说,就连现代新儒家诸贤亦竭尽心力。

    Many ancient thinkers tried to expound these , even modern Confucianists are exhausting their efforts to give answers to them .

  13. 古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名。

    Sober men of olden days and sages are forgotten , And only the great drinkers are famous for all time .

  14. 京杭运河古来繁华,两岸商贾云集,贸易发达。

    The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has been prosperous since ancient times , with both sides of the bank swarming with merchants and well-developed trade .

  15. 地处古来华夏族旱地农业文化与戎狄游牧族草原部落文化接合地带,是以为民族融合之会归及其多元文化;

    In ancient times , Chinese dry land agriculture and the nomadic culture of foreign nationalities met and merged here to form a culture of pluralism .

  16. 四位受邀参赛/表扬状/捐款免税收据/版广告/宽中古来分校植树一棵。

    Four Invitation to Golf Tournament / Appreciation Certificate / Tax Exemption Receipt / Full Page Advertisement / Name on Tree at Foon Yew High School , Kulai .

  17. 从业状态审美化的提出还有坚实的现实基础:众多从业个人、组织、社会对于从业状态审美化的自发的古来即有的不懈追求。

    The solid reality foundation of aesthetic appreciation of employment status : the spontaneous original pursuance for aesthetic appreciation of employment status of employees , organization and society .

  18. 茶馆文化古来有之,由于武夷山特有的社会环境和风土人情,使人们的休闲生活和茶馆联系起来。

    Teahouse culture has its long history and it can be contacted with people 's leisure life only because the social environment and local manners and feelings with Wuyishan characteristics .

  19. 中西译论研究古来有之,两大翻译体系中的研究模式各有特色,各具优势,不能简单地以优劣区分。

    The study of translation theories has a long history both in China and in the West , and the two great translation systems have their own distinguishing features and advantages .

  20. 在中西方文明的发展进程中,休闲始终扮演着重要的角色,拥有休闲是人类古来已有的梦想。

    In the process of Western civilization , we can see that leisure has always played an important role , and leisure has been a dream of mankind since ancient times .

  21. 最多的是各国文学名著的译本,与本国古来的诗文集,别的门类只是些概论等类的入门书而已。

    Most of them are Chinese translations of literary works by famous foreign writers and anthologies of Chinese poetry and prose through the ages . The rest , often called an outline or introduction , are merely on rudiments of various subjects .

  22. 古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃的对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白的浪费掉。

    Since ancient times all people of accomplishment are very serious about their lives . While they are alive , even if there is only one day left to live , they try to work as hard as they can and learn as much as possible , never letting a single day slip by without any gain .