
  • 网络Santa Cruz;Men's santa cruz
  1. 当时他正行驶在圣克鲁兹山区的天际线大道上,与他同行的是一个高中朋友,蒂姆*布朗(TimBrown)。

    He was driving on Skyline Boulevard in the Santa Cruz Mountains with a high school friend , Tim Brown ,

  2. 这之后,被宰杀的动物会被送到圣克鲁兹(SantaCruz)的一个屠夫那儿大卸八块。

    After that , the dead creatures go to a butcher in Santa Cruz , who cuts them into parts .

  3. 加利福尼亚大学的两个分校&尔湾分校(Irvine)和圣克鲁兹分校(SantaCruz)跻身前15名,德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UniversityofTexasatDallas)也进入前15。

    Two University of California campuses , Irvine and Santa Cruz , cracked the top 15 , as did the University of Texas at Dallas .

  4. 尤为值得一提的是,沃兹让乔布斯迷上了鲍勃·迪伦(BobDylan)。“我们一直追随着圣克鲁兹一个叫斯蒂芬·皮克林(StephenPickering)的家伙,他会放出迪伦的行踪动向,”乔布斯说,

    In particular , Wozniak turned Jobs on to the glories of Bob Dylan . " We tracked down this guy in Santa Cruz who put out this newsletter on Dylan , " Jobs said .

  5. 洛尼-圣克鲁兹,在运河堤岸上骑车的人。

    Cyclist on bank of canal at Rogny-les-Sept -

  6. 加纳十年前,加利福尼亚州圣克鲁兹市的克雷格?卡尔菲突然想出个主意。

    GHANA Ten years ago , Craig Calfee of Santa Cruz , California , had an idea .

  7. 加利福尼亚圣克鲁兹大学的学生已经结束了对政府建筑为期三天的占领。

    Students at the University of California Santa Cruz have ended their three-day occupation of the administration building .

  8. 大约2000名消防员仍在加利福尼亚圣克鲁兹的火灾现场展开营救。

    And this , about 2000 firefighters are on the scene of this blaze in Santa Cruz , California .

  9. 这20辆班车目前正在旧金山和圣克鲁兹之间来回运行。

    We 've got20 of them doing routes all the way from San Francisco to Santa Cruz bringing people in .

  10. “这是一项有趣的发现,”加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的宇宙学家皮埃罗·马导说。

    " This is an intriguing result ," says cosmologist Piero Madau of the University of California , Santa Cruz .

  11. 但是位于圣克鲁兹的加利福尼亚大学的肖恩诺尔发现这种梯队状游动也是运送孩子的一种形式。

    But Shawn noren of the University of California at Santa Cruz has found evidence that echelon swimming is also a form of infant carrying .

  12. 是艾伦特·埃利奥特,他现在已经退休,之前在加州大学圣克鲁兹分校教学多年。

    What So And it was done by Elliot Aronson who has retired now , but for many years taught at the university of California CaSanta Cruz .

  13. 圣克鲁兹的水供应量已经低到非常危险的水平,该市已经以用水过多为由,征收了逾160万美元的罚款。

    In Santa Cruz , where water supplies have run dangerously low , the city has assessed more than $ 1.6 million in penalties for using too much water .

  14. 加利福尼亚北部3000多人从巨大的山火中逃离。大火昨晚在圣克鲁兹山附近爆发,随后火势不断增加。

    Up to 3 , 000 people are running from a huge wildfire in Northern California , last night near the Santa Cruz Mountains , and has been growing .

  15. 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的物理学家安东尼·阿吉雷认为,如果用慢镜头看,就像一面巨大的镜子砸向我们。

    Anthony Aguirre , a physicist at the University of California-Santa Cruz , says that if we could slow it down , it would look like a giant mirror crashing down on us .

  16. 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的化学教授张金中说,把这两种方法结合起来看来可以比单独使用任何一种方法产生更好的太阳能电池材料。

    Combining these two approaches appears to yield better solar cell materials than either one alone does , according to Jin zhang , professor of chemistry at the University of california , Santa cruz .

  17. 伦敦大学学院的西蒙·戴博士和加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的史蒂芬·沃德博士都预测,位于加纳利群岛的康伯利维亚火山将会喷发,并引起史上最强劲的海啸。

    Dr. Simon Day of University College London and Dr. Steven Ward from the University of California Santa Cruz predict that the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Canary Islands will erupt and create the largest tsunami in recorded history .

  18. 圣克鲁兹的加利福尼亚大学的罗伯特费尔利最近的一项研究发现,在失业率高达两位数的大城市,美国人的月均创业比率大约两倍于那些失业率在2%以下的地区。

    A recent study by Robert Fairlie of the University of California , Santa Cruz found that the proportion of Americans who start a new business each month is on average about half as high again in metropolitan areas where unemployment is in double digits as in those where it is under 2 % .