
  • 网络worcester;wooster
  1. 他想去看望住在伍斯特的哥哥。

    He wanted to visit his brother in Worcester

  2. 如果他们真把本地的大学关闭了,我就得去伍斯特上大学了。

    If they do close the local college I 'll have to go to Worcester .

  3. 瑰珀翠刚推出一款新果酱——伍斯特浆果果酱。

    Crabtree & Evelyn has just launched a new jam , Worcesterberry Preserve

  4. 格雷姆·希克未出局拿得58分,从而使伍斯特郡队以132分3人出局的成绩回敬了米德尔塞克斯队的202分。

    Graeme Hick scored an unbeaten 58 as Worcestershire replied to Middlesex 's 202 with 132-3

  5. Dyn公司于2001年由马萨诸塞州伍斯特理工学院的杰里米·希契科克创办。

    Dyn was co-founded in 2001 by Jeremy Hitchcock , studying at Worcester Polytechnic Institute , Massachusetts .

  6. GaryPollice是马萨诸塞州,伍斯特,伍斯特工学院的实习教授。

    Gary Pollice is a professor of practice at Worcester Polytechnic Institute , in Worcester , Massachusetts .

  7. 在征得了学生们的同意之后,我将他们的姓名从伍斯特工学院(WPI)毕业的年份标记出来。

    With my student 's permission , I 've provided their names and year they 'll graduate from Worcester Polytechnic Institute ( WPI ) .

  8. MikeCiaraldi教授,是我在伍斯特工业学院的一个同事,他说要“小规模”地(而非大规模地)衡量项目进展。

    Professor Mike Ciaraldi , one of my colleagues at Worcester Polytechnic Institute talks about measuring project progress in " inch pebbles " rather than milestones .

  9. 这个食谱传到了英国伍斯特,被两位化学家JohnWheeleyLea和WilliamPerrins所得。

    The recipe made its way over to Worcester , England ( see where this is going ? ) , where two chemists , John Wheeley Lea and William Perrins , got their hands on it .

  10. 英国伍斯特(Worcester)的尼古拉斯•李(NicholasLee)曾接受过金德的培训,他做冥想,还一直使用一个页面顶端印着“吸气”,底部印着“吐气”的记事本。

    Nicholas Lee of Worcester , England , who trained with Mr. Kinder , meditates and faithfully uses a notepad with ' Breathe in ' printed on top of the pages and ' Breathe out ' at the bottom .

  11. 伍斯特大学信息学习服务的主任AnneHannaford说:看到将那些最流行的书传递给下一代这种感觉很有趣,还传递着强烈的道德信息。

    Anne Hannaford , Director of Information and Learning Services at the University of Worcester , said : It is interesting to see that most of the popular books to pass down the generations have strong moral messages entwined in them .

  12. 这班火车与公共汽车联运通往伍斯特。

    This train connects with a bus service to worcester .

  13. 我的父母住在伍斯特郡,但他们有时来伦敦。

    My parents live down in worcestershire , but they come uptolondonoccasionally .

  14. 我们为什么不开车去伍斯特郡玩一个下午?

    Why don 't we run down to Worcester for the afternoon ?

  15. 至伍斯特的要道被洪水淹没,我们必须绕道。

    The main road to Worcester was flooded and we had to go round .

  16. 在伍斯特工业学院,我们教授的内容不深入到任意具体的计算平台。

    At Worcester Polytechnic , we do not teach to any specific computing platform .

  17. 我认为,获此殊荣是因为伍斯特大教堂的缘故。

    To my opinion , the most impartment thing of Worcester is the Worcester Cathedral .

  18. 在伍斯特工学院我们开设了一门“信息处理的社会含义”的课程。

    At Worcester Polytechnic Institute we have a course called Social Implications of Information Processing .

  19. 在伍斯特工艺学校学习期间,她参加了两次学校组织的招聘会。

    During her time at WPI , she attended two job fairs organized by the school .

  20. 而他的遗体不在伍斯特这座城市,现在已经被埋葬。

    His body is no longer in the city of Worcester , and is now entombed .

  21. 一个国际产、学、研结合的范例&美国伍斯特工学院金属研究所

    A Model of An International University-Industry Research Alliance & Metal Processing Institute in Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  22. 它的北部郊区毗邻斯塔福德郡。南部和西南部的郊区与赫里福德伍斯特郡接壤。

    Its northern suburbs adjoin Staffordshire , and its southern and southwestern suburbs border on Hereford and Worcester .

  23. 希望我们共同进步,就像我说的那样:“希望在伍斯特的一切都好!”

    Hope we can move forward together , as I say ," Hope everything in Worcester is wonderful !"

  24. 你可能会好奇,理智清醒的教师们该如何应对伍斯特学院“臭名昭著”的早餐俱乐部?

    One wonders how those sober tutors would have reacted to Worcester 's ' infamous " Breakfast Club .

  25. 在伍斯特工学院不到两年的时间内,我几乎已经填满了我办公室的书架。

    In less than two years at Worcester Polytechnic , I 've practically filled my office bookshelves to capacity .

  26. 他的主要工作是与伍斯特麻省医学院合作。

    His main work has been in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester , MA .

  27. 伍斯特沙司也是血腥玛丽的重要材料之一(伏特加,番茄汁和伍斯特沙司)。

    It is an important ingredient in a Bloody Mary ( vodka , tomato juice and Worcester sauce ) .

  28. 牛肉汤或牛肉原料,用黄油、面粉糊使之变厚,用香草或伍斯特郡等多种香料调味。

    Bouillon or beef stock thickened with butter and flour roux and variously seasoned with e.g. herbs or Worcestershire .

  29. “休息区”分布于校内的工学院中心、伍斯特厅、艾许曼厅和医务中心等处。

    The zones are located in Bechtel Engineering Center , Wurster Hall , Eshleman Hall and the Tang Center .

  30. 我是麻省伍斯特大学圣十字学院的一名学生,专业是英语和德语。

    I am a student studying English and German at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester , Massachusetts .