
Wǔ Tínɡ Fānɡ
  • English-educated lawyer;Qing government's representative in the U.S.
  1. 中国的大外交家伍廷芳博士多年前在美国的时候,曾在一个宴会上遇到一个美国女人。

    The great Chinese diplomat was in the United States a number of years ago . One day he met an American woman at a reception .

  2. 伍廷芳是近代中国一位较重要的历史人物。

    WU Ting-fang was a important historical figure of contemporary China .

  3. 均势外交是伍廷芳采取的外交策略。

    The diplomatic strategy of balance of power was adopted by Wu .

  4. 摘要伍廷芳是晚清时期著名的外交家。

    Wu Tingfang was a famous diplomat in the late Qing period .

  5. 伍廷芳政治态度的转变则是其出任的关键。

    Third , the key factor , Wu had changed his political attitude .

  6. 试论伍廷芳的商业思想

    Wu Ting fang ' Thought of Commerce

  7. 伍廷芳在处理国家关系上主张经济上要平等对待、互惠互利。他倡导吸引美国来华投资,提倡双方门户开放。

    Wu Ting-fang thought that we should advocate equal treatment and mutual beneficial on dealing with economic relations .

  8. 伍廷芳的外交思想推动了外交政策的适时转变,丰富、拓展了外交对象和外交途径。

    They advanced the timely transform of Chinese diplomatic policy , enriched and expanded diplomatic objects and channels .

  9. 试析作为民国议和代表与司法总长伍廷芳的贡献

    WU Ting-fang as the Representative of the Peace Negotiations and the Minister of Judicature of the Republic of China

  10. 伍廷芳的政治文明观是他对近代政治文明的认知、评判和选择。

    Wu Tingfang 's views of modern political civilization reflect his recognition , judgment and choice of modern political civilization .

  11. 伍廷芳不仅法律造诣深厚,而且运用他的法律技能和娴熟的外交技巧在清末的外事活动中做出了杰出的贡献。

    Not only his deep knowledge of the law , also he made an outstanding contribution to the foreign activities of the government .

  12. 自1902年沈家本、伍廷芳主持变法修律以来,中国法律现代化已迄百年。

    Since 1902 , Shen Jia-ben and Wu Ting-fang lead the Law Reform to modernization the Chinese law , a hundred years passed .

  13. 伍廷芳既受过中国传统教育,又受过正规的现代西方教育,具有先进而又独到的教育思想。

    Having accepted the traditional Chinese education and the normal modern Western education , Dr. Wu Ting-fang had the advanced and unique education thought .

  14. 这一章主要从伍廷芳所处的时代背景,当时西方文化对中国人的影响以及伍廷芳的个人生活经历三个方面展开论述。

    This part launches on the background of that time , the influence of the western culture to the Chinese and his personal life experience .

  15. 在对外关系上主张外国人要公平的对待中国人。第三,伍廷芳运用国际法原理处理国际纠纷。

    Also the foreign should treat Chinese equally in the external relations . Third , he uses his international theory to deal with the international problems .

  16. 伍廷芳和陈其美在这两个案件上面的论争的焦点在于法律和革命孰主孰次。

    The focus of the controversy between Wu and Chen in the two cases lies in the problem which is primary and which is secondary , law or revolution .

  17. 在十九世纪复杂的国际背景下,伍廷芳作为精通西律的大家,在当时晚清政治外交活动中起了无可替代的作用。

    In the complicated background of the 19th century , as a great master for the western laws , Wu Ting-fang made an important role in the politic of the Qing Dynasty .

  18. 伍廷芳在担任清末修律大臣时,负责主持并参与修订法律的工作,把近代西方法律思想与实践相结合,引入修律的整个活动中。

    When being in charge of making laws as a chancellor in late Qing Dynasty , he combined modern western legal thought and practice together which was in the whole course of events of making laws .

  19. 伍廷芳是中国晚清时期著名的外交家、法学家。他精通中外法律,对中国近代的法制改革做出了很大的贡献。

    Ting fang Wu , who was the famous diplomat and jurist in late Qing Dynasty and proficient in law in china and abroad , contributed a lot to the reform of legal system of modern Chinese history .