
  • 网络Worcester;University College Worcester;Worcester University;The University of Worcester
  1. 伍斯特大学信息学习服务的主任AnneHannaford说:看到将那些最流行的书传递给下一代这种感觉很有趣,还传递着强烈的道德信息。

    Anne Hannaford , Director of Information and Learning Services at the University of Worcester , said : It is interesting to see that most of the popular books to pass down the generations have strong moral messages entwined in them .

  2. 我是麻省伍斯特大学圣十字学院的一名学生,专业是英语和德语。

    I am a student studying English and German at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester , Massachusetts .

  3. 如果他们真把本地的大学关闭了,我就得去伍斯特上大学了。

    If they do close the local college I 'll have to go to Worcester .