
  • 网络Worcester Academy;The College of Wooster;wooster
  1. 你可能会好奇,理智清醒的教师们该如何应对伍斯特学院“臭名昭著”的早餐俱乐部?

    One wonders how those sober tutors would have reacted to Worcester 's ' infamous " Breakfast Club .

  2. 乔纳森-贝特是牛津大学伍斯特学院的教务长,同时也是研究莎士比亚的学者。他说,阿彻女士及其团队的发现对研究莎翁笔下大饥荒与粮食短缺时期的作品很有价值。

    Professor Jonathan Bate , the Shakespeare scholar and provost of Worcester College , Oxford , said Archer and her colleagues had performed a valuable service in setting Shakespeare 's work in the context of the famines and food shortages of the period .

  3. 在征得了学生们的同意之后,我将他们的姓名从伍斯特工学院(WPI)毕业的年份标记出来。

    With my student 's permission , I 've provided their names and year they 'll graduate from Worcester Polytechnic Institute ( WPI ) .

  4. MikeCiaraldi教授,是我在伍斯特工业学院的一个同事,他说要“小规模”地(而非大规模地)衡量项目进展。

    Professor Mike Ciaraldi , one of my colleagues at Worcester Polytechnic Institute talks about measuring project progress in " inch pebbles " rather than milestones .

  5. 在伍斯特工业学院,我们教授的内容不深入到任意具体的计算平台。

    At Worcester Polytechnic , we do not teach to any specific computing platform .

  6. 在伍斯特工学院我们开设了一门“信息处理的社会含义”的课程。

    At Worcester Polytechnic Institute we have a course called Social Implications of Information Processing .

  7. 一个国际产、学、研结合的范例&美国伍斯特工学院金属研究所

    A Model of An International University-Industry Research Alliance & Metal Processing Institute in Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  8. 在伍斯特工学院不到两年的时间内,我几乎已经填满了我办公室的书架。

    In less than two years at Worcester Polytechnic , I 've practically filled my office bookshelves to capacity .

  9. 这个月,我们将着眼于在伍斯特工学院中我所在的计算机科学系的研究活动。

    This month , we will look at the research activities in my computer science department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute .

  10. 您一定能够想象到,当我得知第二年即将参加位于马萨诸塞州的伍斯特工学院的统一机器人技术课程的时候,我所产生的那种焦虑感。

    You can imagine my angst when I found out that next year I will be participating in the unified robotics curriculum at Worcester Polytechnic Institute , in Massachusetts .

  11. 马萨诸塞州伍斯特工学院的生物工程师格伦·高德特和约书亚·格尔谢拉领导的这一研究,他们的发现对一种致命的医疗问题--捐献器官的缺乏是很是有价值的

    Bioengineers Glenn Gaudette and Joshua Gershlak at Massachusetts Worcester Polytechnic Institute ( WPI ) led this research and their findings are valuable to a deadly medical problem : the lack of donor organs .

  12. Dyn公司于2001年由马萨诸塞州伍斯特理工学院的杰里米·希契科克创办。

    Dyn was co-founded in 2001 by Jeremy Hitchcock , studying at Worcester Polytechnic Institute , Massachusetts .

  13. 我是麻省伍斯特大学圣十字学院的一名学生,专业是英语和德语。

    I am a student studying English and German at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester , Massachusetts .

  14. 如果你很聪明而且雄心勃勃,伍斯特理工学院能为你的职业生涯提供很好的平台。

    If you are smart and ambitious , WPI is a place that will do amazing things for your career .

  15. 伍斯特理工学院的学费很贵,但是我获得了良好的教育。

    I thought WPI was a great experience ! Yes , it was very expensive , but I think I got a great education .

  16. 在美国马萨诸塞州的伍斯特理工学院,来自学生支持网络的年轻人们通过角色扮演来学习如何去察觉他们身边的同学们发出的求救信号。

    At Worcester Polytechnic Institute , at Worcester , Massachusetts , US , young people in the Student Support Network role play to learn how to detect SOS signals from their schoolmates .

  17. GaryPollice是马萨诸塞州,伍斯特,伍斯特工学院的实习教授。

    Gary Pollice is a professor of practice at Worcester Polytechnic Institute , in Worcester , Massachusetts .